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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thursday Night Live Eviction Show (Spoilers)

Happy Live Eviction Day, y'all!! :D Yayyy it's our first live eviction of the BB16 season & I'm so excited!! So as it stands, Joey will be going out the door tonight. If you haven't yet seen The Overnighter, then I highly recommend you check it out. Last night, Devin confessed to Donny that it was indeed him that got Caleb to nominate him. After getting Donny's forgiveness, Devin then held a house meeting & told all the HG's (minus Caleb/Amber, they were chatting in the lounge room) how he felt so bad for getting Donny nominated and how nice of a guy he is, etc. The only thing Devin accomplished in that house meeting was putting an even bigger target on his back, not that he needed one.

If you still need to grab the live feeds, now would be the time to take 5 mins & sign up! Not sure if you want them? Perfect! Let the 2 Day Free Trial show you what you're truly missing!

(comes with a 2 day free trial)

Nothing has happened this afternoon on the feeds, except seeing Frankie nearly naked. lol At 11:18am BBT, Cam 3, Devin was telling Amber how his speech last night about Donny had nothing to do with throwing Caleb under the bus and would be surprised that anyone who was there (as Amber & Caleb were not) would take it that way. And then, out comes Frankie from the HOH bathroom...

Frankie: "You have my full support!"

Speaking of Frankie, his sister tweeted today that she was leaving New York to go to Florida where their grandparents are.
Their grandfather has cancer. According to a tweet (that seems to have been deleted?) that Ariana tweeted out, their grandfather is getting both chemo & radiation and is having a hard time with it. :(

Moving on...

Tonight's BB live eviction episode starts at 9pm ET/8pm CT, so make sure to get your snacks & drink(s) of choice ready and then join us BB addicts in the chat room right here on the blog! :D (it's the blue "Chat Room" button on the right side.)

See y'all tonight at 9pm ET!!!

The Live Show Spoilers:

9:01pm ET:
Show has begun!! :D

Votes To Evict:
*Devin votes to evict...Joey
*Derrick votes to evict...Joey
*Frankie votes to evict...Joey
*Cody votes to evict...Joey
*Zach votes to evict...Joey
*Brittany votes to evict...Joey
*Nicole votes to evict...Joey
---It's official Joey is evicted---
*Christine votes to evict...Joey
*Victoria votes to evict...Joey
*Jocasta votes to evict...Joey
*Hayden votes to evict...Joey
*Amber votes to evict...Joey
*Donny votes to evict...Joey

1st HG Evicted from the BB16 House is:

9:32pm ET:
Julie is interviewing Joey. She was surprised everyone voted to evict her. 

9:36pm ET:
HOH Comp is next...
 9:40pm ET:
1st HOH Comp: all women
2nd HOH Comp: all men

Rules: HG's have to make their way across beam to kegs at other end. Move kegs across the beam and stack them. The men on the building can throw frisbies at the HG's. lol

1st HOH is:
2nd HOH Comp:
2nd HOH is:
(Cody hit the ground before hitting his button, so he's disqualified)

Team America: 
DONNY is now in Team America!! 

Okay guys, I'm outta here to go watch the aftermath on the live feeds!! :D Have a great night & I'll see y'all back here tomorrow with The Overnighter!!

Stay tuned...
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The Overnighter: Devin Calls a House Meeting

Good morning & Happy Thursday, BB addicts! :D Last night, Devin called a house meeting to tell everyone that it was he, in fact, who wanted Donny up on the block & pushed Caleb to make Donny a nominee for eviction. He went on to say how horrible he felt for doing that because Donny is such a sweet & caring man. Before he called the house meeting, Devin went to Donny first and told him all of this, in which Donny being the awesome guy he is, forgave Devin. If you already have the live feeds, go ahead & go to 11:17pm BBT on Cams 3 & 4 to watch it.

Let's get started with The Overnighter!!

10:59pm BBT:
Rock Bedroom
Devin asks to talk to Donny privately.

Donny: "Right here?"
Devin: "Yea that's fine. After this, I'm gonna talk to the house."

Devin: "Last week, you being on the block, was because of me. I wanted to let you know.."

Devin goes on to say that he told Caleb he thinks they should put up Donny because he thinks he's a threat & someone that he's not.

Devin: "And I 100% expect you to be disappointed in me and feel betrayed...and the only thing that matters to me, is being a good role model for my daughter." 

Devin told Donny that if he (Donny) wins HOH, he fully expects be put on the block because of this.
Donny: "Am I still a target for you?"
Devin: "No. No, I knew I made a mistake & it's been eating away at me....and no amount of money should allow someone to pass judgement on someone, and I passed judgement on you & I'm very, very sorry for that, and it breaks my heart.."

Donny: "I appreciate ya tellin' me, I appreciate that! You said Caleb (didn't want to nominate me) right?"
Devin: "Right."
Donny: "Okay well that makes me feel better!"

Donny: "It's already forgiven!..Water under the bridge. You have told the truth." (**Oh how I love Donny!)

This is such a great conversation to watch on  Flashback Feeds when you have a few minutes. For now, I gotta press on with The Overnighter before I have to go to work.

11:17pm BBT:
Beehive Room
This was a clearing of the air for Amber to Caleb about how she's heard (about her supposedly thinking that Caleb was full of himself) is not true & that they're cool, no hard feelings. They went on to share a few laughs as Caleb was happy to have a little attention from Amber one-on-one, which I'm sure will only fuel his obsession with her. The conversation itself was a nice one, though. They're on good terms.

Meanwhile, in the living room...

11:17pm BBT:
All HG's except Donny (sleeping)/Caleb & Amber (in Beehive Room talking)
Devin calls a house meeting.

Devin: "I just wanna get something off my chest, sorry if I'm a little emotional, but umm.." (starts crying)

Devin: "This is not game play, this is real talk, so you can take it for what it is, you don't have to respect me for it after it's done."

Devin tells them what he told Donny: how he wanted to come in the BB house and play an all-honest game, no matter how far that got him in the game and that he wanted to play with integrity. He went on to say that as soon as he stepped in the BB house and thought about how all the great players of BB won the game, and how dishonest they had to be, he tried to play that way but that's not who he is. He mentioned his daughter again and how he wants to be a good role model for her and that's all he cares about.

He confessed to the other HG's that he was the sole reason for Donny being put up on the block. He said his heart breaks because he knows how sweet & nice of a guy Donny is. 

Devin: "I forced Caleb's hand to putting up Donny, Caleb had nothing to do it."
Devin said he thought Donny was someone that he's really not & how he passed judgment on him.

**Can we just take a moment to look at Frankie snacking away during this speech like he's watching a really good movie? lol I just found this hilarious..
At the end of his speech, the HG's clapped. Jocasta thanked him for the speech.

Devin then went to the bathroom to cry for awhile.
Most of the HG's (especially Frankie/Zach who went into the storage room to celebrate) were happy that Devin just made himself a bigger target in the game.

**And that's it for the Overnighter! Sorry that it had to be a quickie post, as I have to go to work soon. One thing that became very clear over last night was that pretty much everyone wants Devin out of the house next. It'll be interesting to see what happens if Devin actually wins HOH. Tonight at 9pm ET/8pm CT, it all goes down! Can't wait!!! :D I'll be back later on with an afternoon post. Until then, enjoy the feeds!

Stay tuned...
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