In other news, Twitter is buzzing because of this convo from earlier...
2:21pm BBT:
Rock Bedroom
They're talking about how much booze they have for tonight after the veto comp.
Christine: "Please don't make love to Victoria tonight, she will be feisty and you will be drunk."
Frankie: "I think you should both double team her.
Caleb: "We would ruin her! There would be blood all over the place!"
Frankie: "I think you should take all of her virginities in one night."
Cody: "Oh no, that's so foul."
Derrick: "Her father is watching right now, literally cringing. I don't even know what I would do. I'd definitely break the computer."
5:00pm BBT:
Feeds are back!
Winner of the Veto is:
Cody has to wear a dinosaur costume it sounds like.CHRISTINE
Bye, bye Nicole.
Frankie/Caleb are talking about seeing colors/being color blind.
Derrick/Christine are showering.
5:08pm BBT:
HOH Bathroom
The boys are happy everything worked out "perfect".
Frankie: "It was PERFECT! Perfect, perfect, perfect."
Frankie: "The bomb squad won the "Bomb Veto"."
Caleb takes a shower.
5:12pm BBT:
Hg's are cleaning up after the veto comp. Very little talking. The plan is to put Victoria up as the renom and get Nicole out (unless something major happens and farm Derrick starts planting more seeds to backdoor Frankie). We'll see!
**I'll see y'all back here tomorrow with The Overnighter. Until then, enjoy watching the live feeds!
Stay tuned...

Hi Jamie, I was wondering if you knew what is going on with Frankie? Why is he so mean lately? Or is this how he really is? I know this is a game but the things that he is saying are ridiculous and uncalled for! What are your thoughts?
hey Tanya! I'm guessing this is just who he is. before he told the HG's who his sister was, he was totally different. now he's more "himself" and we're seeing a vile side of him.
Wow this convo is gross! I don't understand how Derrick is the only one who thinks this is wrong. I hope Victoria never sees this it would hurt her in a personal level.
He should have kept up the act. Uk
It's who he is. He's a delusional narcissist addicted to fame in order to validate himself and over compensate for insecurities. You've got a grown man in his 30s on youtube doing videos for tweens, and oohing over Justin Bieber. Grodner has given him an 'angel' edit, not showing all his meanness. I hope that changes on Sunday as he should be exposed. The best revenge would be for him to get evicted soon & to walk out & get booed. But even then, he'll blame being gay or say people are jealous. His fans are mostly his sisters when u read all the comments on social media defending him
Pretty disgusting convo; thankfully Derrick at least said something. Yikes.
BB fans just can't have nice things.
Hi Jamie, can you please go back to that disgusting conversation and hear it through to the end. From what I read on Twitter Derrick wasn't totally playing the hero and had his own jokes to add :( I always liked his game strategy, but he's been acting pretty shitty lately :(
Derrick was right along with them doing humping motions and dying laughing so not really ant better
I loved Frankie in the beginning but he has officially turned into Andy from last yr. He keeps saying he wants to be famous on his own yet he finds a way to drop his sisters name in every convo. I guess he's not as good an actor as he thought and wasn't able to keep the act going. I love his sister and hate him.
Hi everyone, I have been watching BB Since the beginning. This is the first season I have been on any BB site. Also, my first time blogging. So here goes, I am disgusted by most of the house guests this season. I wish Nicole could have won the POV comp. today. I can't wait til the season is over and they all see how people in America feel about them. Karma is a b#%ch.
They didn't hear it correctly.. Frankie changed the convo off of Victoria after Derrick's comment about the computer. Saying Caleb drunk and Frankie in drag. Caleb having "beer goggles" on and not realizing it is Frankie in drag. That's what Derrick's next comments were about. I listened to it twice to make sure I heard everything.
Oh I'm SO glad!! Seriously I want to feel good about rooting for Derrick, but that made me sad. Thank you for clearing it up Amanda. (And the real thing is actually hilarious! Can you imagine Caleb the next morning?? Hahaha!)
Thats disgusting as well as very disturbing. ..especially for christine, seeing as SHE IS A WOMAN!!! Smdh...I dislike her more and more errday! Her family should be sooo proud of tweetie bird :/
Oh c'mon! Andy's much more pleasant than Frankie. Cuter, too.
Frankie is trying to turn cody out on bbad tonight!!! Lol
Cody is smashed...caleb said cody might wake up with his butt sore in the morning! ! Cthu
I am a Donny fan, but I think Derrick is the best player overall. He
I have to ask this question... it has been bothering me since shortly after the season started...
WHY IS THE HOUSE SUCH A PIGS STY??? It makes me SICK just to look at how "unkempt" and nasty it is... dirty dishes all over... clothes all over... beds unmade... and everyone walking on the beds (with and w/o shoes on)... people laying sleeping in multiple beds... trash all over...
Makes you wonder how these people live in their real lives.. ALTHOUGH I just realized the majority of them live with their parents still... so that answers my question I guess...
Hi Jamie! Did anyone else notice how Frankie GRAN DAA was all over CODY When they were in kitchen??Staring creepily into Codys eyes and rubbing him while Cody was in costume? Seemed to me Frankie broke his rule and had a few sips or more of alcohol..
Did other seasons get so mean and boring. Victoria is clueless but sweet very naive. Derrick after Nicole is the only nice normal person playing. I will route for him. Frankie and the rest are self centered meanies so sure they are likeable but not. Just a terrible boring season and i have not watched since Donny evict other than this blog. I cannot belueve Frankie had no clue we do not like him and doesn't understand why we would like Donny. Agree with Jamie assessment
Andy was never as bad as Frankie. I can't think of any gay person that has been as awful as Frankie.
I will says the same thing until it happens. Hope Frankie faces a wall of boos. he and Christine as dispecable people to me.
Nicole leaves then im done watching, all the rest of them makes me sick.
I agree with the others - I think this is the TRUE Frankie - he was playing a part earlier in the season but just couldn't do it any longer
Ste ven for President!!!!
His description of Frankie in his TRUE self could not be more accurate!!!!
Watching BBAD I was much less concerned for Victoria and more afraid for Cody. Frankie couldn't leave him alone.
Victoria's parents are PISSED!
All this rape stuff is ridiculous. As a victim of sexual assault I'm actually offended that people are making a mockery of real victims. There was no rape mentioned or insinuation of intent. I think it was some poor taste gym talk at best. After Caleb's comment the conversation quickly turned to Frankie in drag which was the majority of the convo. I think it's absurd for her family to say their daughter is a target of rape and to ask for an apology from Frankie's sister. Sounds like a publicity stunt on their part.
I saw that article as well. Personally I didn't take what Frankie said as a rape joke. I took it that he was vividly describing how the 2 guys should take advantage of the loosened inhibitions of the night since them and Victoria were going to partake in drinking a lot of alcohol after not drinking much since being in the house. Obviously it was some disgusting stuff to listen and watch someone joking about especially as her parent. But to claim Victoria is now a target for rape because of what Frankie said is way much.
Also I'm not sure why Frankie's parents and his 10yrs younger sister owe them and Victoria an apology for something their grown man 31yr old son/brother said. To me that screams of attention seeking and trying to get press off the back of Frankie's little sister. Which Frankie himself knows quite a lot about LOL. If this was Cody or anyone else in the house who said what Frankie did would they be contacting TMZ or anyone else asking for an apology from his parents and siblings? I guarantee you not!
Just read your twitter, feel better Jamie.................
I find the show now disgusting, the way they were talking last night esp about Victoria is just awful
I can understand them wanting an apology from frankie but from his parents and sister? i think its unreasonable. frankie was my favorite at the beginning but he's just a venomous snake. if i was his sister I would be very embarassed to call him my brother! I hope caleb backdoors frankie!
Wow. worse than I imagined
Maybe it is a way to help spike Frankie's chances of AFP. Intimidate Arianna from mentioning him to her fans on social media. Maybe her parents are just disgusted by Frankie's serial groping and inappropriate behavior and decided to have some fun at Frankie's expense in response to Frankie having fun at their daughter's expense. Rattle his cage.
I never found Andy unlikable even though people called him a rat. I was rooting for him. Even Sunday night CBS still didn't show much of Frankie ugliness.. On BBAD sounds like they might backdoor Frankie. If that were a blindside Veto meeting, it will be great tv
If he's so concerned about fame, his image & future work, he should remember he's in camera and potential employers r watching. Never a good idea to hate on the viewers but now if he doesn't get favorite player, he'll blame team America and Donny. His fragile ego couldn't handle the truth. Don't you know he's Ariana Grande step brother. Font you know he's on youtube with Lance bass and Justin Bieber and has a bunch of tween fans rooting for a man child. Just watching on TV and trying to square the image I see with that of a 31 yo man. Aka same as Derrick. Chronologically not maturity but money dont buy you class as the countess said. And take that sideways cap off and realize Straight men don't want you clinging and pawing and sleeping in their beds 24/7. You can tell he's the type who is very needy and can't be alone. Needs constant attention & validation of his worth. I'm curious if his upbringing cuz something went awry
Damn I deleted it on my DVR before reading this cuz I was so over these HG and didn't want to waste my time. He will offer sexual favors to stay in the house
But maybe Nonna needs to watch live feeds and read blogs and after realize Lil Frankie is no angel, have a talk about how men in their 30s are supposed to act
Or maybe tmz egged them on to get a headline
He's her half brother not her step brother
I guess Ariana gets all her talent from her dad's side of the family then LOL
I'm sure Frankie wants to be back footed by caleb lol
I agree that Frankie's family owes no apology to Victoria. They aren't the ones who were so crude. Frankie did initiate the double teaming her but they all acted atrociously after his comment. His screeching like zingbot afterwards was way beyond annoying.
It was terribly crude and they all owe Victoria an apology, but the sad thing is that when she sees this, she will be so hurt. I really feel sorry for her. She is definitely not playing the game but other than making comments some comments about some people, she really does seem to have compassion for people and feels their pain.
Even though CBS did show a little of Frankie's nastiness, there was a lot more that they could have shown (and should show), especially his comment after Nicole was picked for Have Not again this week.
Cody said everyone's been there two times, right? Did Frankie say he hadn't? No, instead he was ticked at Christine for pointing at him and wonders why is she backing Nicole up?
He told Cody and Caleb that he's happy to be the villain so everyone else can look nice. Nicole's been cooked for, watched movies, made out, you can do two weeks. He said the last time he "barely survived".
Later after Nicole went outside and Derrick came back in after talking to Nicole, Frankie asked if she was upset/crying and said again that she had a week of good food, kisses from Hayden, snuggling with him, etc., and that he doesn't give a s**t. He CAN'T sleep in that cold room but also said earlier that anyone can put up with it so why he couldn't he suck it up?
He really is self-centered and his actions should be way beyond embarrassing to his family.
BTW, Cody doesn't believe that America loved Donny at first. He said he was liked for like a period of time when he was on the outs. He wasn't loved all game, he had a beard. He wasn't like a personality on the show and then all of a sudden, it was like oh my gosh, this old guy is on his own right now and now he's going to be out for three weeks, so ugh...
Derrick told them all that no one in that room was getting it, Donny had it in the bag but Victoria thinks that Ariana will tweet and Frankie will get it for sure.
I hope Ariana fans don't give a shit about Frankie. I heard somewhere that Frankie had the least amount of votes to be on Team America. Does anyone know if that's true?
Frankie can get flushed for all I care. He is a waste of space in that house.
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