As planned, the BB "Broadway" Play (for the Team America mission, per Frankie's idea), started at
9:01pm BBT. If you have the
live feeds, I suggest Cam 3 as the best one to view it in.
Frankie as Joey:
Nicole as Brittany:
Caleb as Zach:
Derrick as Jocasta: "Hold on, I just had a comp." *grabs ice packs*
Caleb as Hayden:
Donny as Devin: (so funny!)
Christine as Pao:
Victoria as Amber:
In my opinion, only a few of the houseguests were funny. Definitley not $5,000/each worthy for the Team America task. (Let me know what you thought in the comment section.) I'll be back tomorrow with The Overnighter, so I'll see you guys & gals then!! :D Until then, enjoy the
live feeds!!
Stay tuned...
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I thought they were all pretty funny! Except Victoria... but I expected hers to be stupid. I didn't really get Derrick saying people were going to hell because Jocasta would never say that, but it was all in fun. I know a lot of people are hating on this, but I thought they all tried! Caleb was nervous lol I felt for him.
I don't really understand how this is a TA mission, but if CBS wants to spend $15,000 on it, good for them lol I don't really care either way.
Cody is such a black hole of personality that he turned Zach, 1 of the biggest personalities in BB history, into a boring, lame dud.
Donny was by far the best. Derrick was good but I was disappointed because I thought for sure he was going to start talking in tongues. Frankie was ok. He started off well but then he just dragged it on and on way too long.
Frankie, Cody, Derrick, and Donny were hilarious! Especially Donny portraying Devin. And I think Frankie is really enjoying his make up ;-) tonight
This looks amazingly lame. Definitely not worth 5K.
If y'all leave feeders didn't see them perform alter egos after I suggest you go back and watch them! Caleb had a hilarious alter ego that sounded just like Larry the Cable Guy!
In the land of bad impressions Caleb's was probably the worst. Although he did draw the short straw with Hayden in my opinion as there isn't really too much to work with there. And then the characters he made up after the play was over were just awful.
It's a TA mission because they let them pick their own this week and this is what they came up with. Besides Donny's keep me safe suggestion. I'd bet they don't let them come up with their own missions again. And I have my doubts as to them being voted to get the money for this.
I actually thought it was pretty fine (but Caleb's alter ego after it was scary-and then he told Frankie he's going to acting school! LOL
I will vote yes for it--I want Donny and Derrick to get more $, and if Frankie gives it to charity that's fine.
I'll bet they get the cash, because I'm sure CBS can glean a couple of minutes of footage out of that, but it was pretty tough to watch. Hey, it's CBS' money, it isn't like they are coming out of anybody's else's pocket, and it may act as a sop to Donny fans if he goes home this week he has another $5k in his pocket. By the way, I recall all the promises to quit watching last year when Judd was evicted. I guess America (and BB casting) gets a kick out of the stereotype of the slow talking backwoods innocent with a heart of gold. I fully expect to see another version of the same in BB17 next summer.
Do we know for sure that TA was given this task? I keep thinking Donny just claimed there was a task to try and save himself. Very smart if that's the case.
TA mission fail.
Lame lame lame.
Frankie overacts - no shock there.
Derrick tried but could've done more.
Donny was funny.
Nicole was alright.
Cody totally missed the essence of Zach IMHO.
Christine, well I don't like her so nothing she does makes me happy. I admit I'm biased.
Caleb again tried, but he's just not funny.
Victoria was terrible.
If you check the CBS website, there's no mention of a new task. In the past, CBS would promo the crap outta stuff like this. Logically, if CBS were to give TA a choose your own adventure, they would promo to the tv only. Additionally, all the guys would go to DR for clarification. This time they didn't. I think Donny fabricated this as a last ditch to get him off the block. Especially since he was pushing hard for the task to be to save him. Frankie and Derrick got took.
I'm going to vote yes for the mission. I would rather Derrick and Donny have $5,000 to help their families than for it just to go back into CBS' pocket.
Can team America get lamer? Those other HG are really gonna be furious, esp at the unfair casting of Frankie
How is this a mission worthy of 15,000?
To hear this TA mission is a fail doesn't surprise. Most of the TA tasks have been. The fact that Frankie came up with this was another indication that it would suck. I'm just so over the guy.
So. Over. Frankie.
That is all :)
P.S. I couldn't even look at his picture. :P
If you look a few posts up, this was my thought too! I think he made it up to save himself. Brilliant plan if it worked.
If people are TRUE fans of Donny then they would STILL vote for them to get the TA challenge REGARDLESS of whether you liked or agreed with the challenge and whether you like Frankie or not. If you are true Donny fans then you would NOT send him out of the house without at least $5k more in his pocket with this opportunity to do so...
If you are in fact NOT voting for them to receive that cash simply because of your feelings toward Frankie then THAT is quite shameful!!
Jus sayin....
Now THAT would've been awesome had Derrick started talking in tongue. Haha at the idea of that.
Sorry, I don't think this was actually a mission to try to get someone (HG's) to do something. It was like any other day for having fun and acting like this was something that ALL the HG's would be willing to do.
So, where is the challenge? In order to get the money, a mission needs to be accomplished. I love Donny but if this wasn't a hoax on Donny's part to try to save himself (good for him if he did), if we get to vote, I don't see voting to give them money they didn't earn.
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