..and the winner will be the returning juror. (CBS released this pic earlier today.) Looks like some kind of shuffleboard setup. Total crapshoot comp.
As to what the HOH comp will be, that's anybody's guess. We'll have to wait & see! It should be one heck of a night & I'll have my live feeds ready to go for all the aftermath!
**West Coasters, you can watch along with us right here!
Here we go!! :D
9:00pm ET:
Show begins...
9:10pm ET:
Team America mission was successfully completed.
9:20pm ET:
Julie announces that the BOB Comp & dual HOH comps are over for the season.
9:22pm ET:
Cody/Zach give their speeches.
Zach: "I dislike you all, only hate 1 of you...see you in a minute, Julie." (He means Victoria.)
The Votes:
*Derrick votes to evict...Zach
*Christine votes to evict...Zach
*Donny votes to evict...Zach
*Caleb votes to evict...Zach
*Some girl with brown hair votes to evict...Zach
Evicted from the BB16 House is:
When Zach was getting evicted, he got up on the coffee table and tossed fruit loops on all the houseguests! lol
Julie asked Zach who he would target if he got back in the game and he said he doesn't know.
9:40pm ET:ZACH
When Zach was getting evicted, he got up on the coffee table and tossed fruit loops on all the houseguests! lol
Julie asked Zach who he would target if he got back in the game and he said he doesn't know.
Jury House footage. Hayden's really happy to see Nicole again..aww!
9:44pm ET:The 4 jurors go back into the house and then head to the backyard a minute later to play the returning juror comp!
Returning Juror Comp Winner is:
The HOH comp will happen probably tonight.
9:58pm ET:
Julie Chen did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge live on the air:
Julie nominated every former BB houseguest to do the challenge.
Back to the live feeds I go! Make sure to follow me on Twitter! I'll post over there if/when BB tells the houseguests when the HOH comp is.
Stay tuned...
Please god no divine intervention for Jocasta tonight!
So much for Donny promising Zach his vote to stay no matter what. That lying snake LOL
Does anybody know what Zach was in the baggie Zach was tossing around at the other HGs? That was another memorable funny moment from Zach. Hopefully it's not the last and he wins this comp to return.
hahahahaha, some girl with brown hair. You're awesome!
Brian, Zach told Donny to NOT vote of him because it'll make him a bigger target.
Never mind thanks Jamie it was froot loops I should've figured duh. The look on his face when Victoria showed the hat she destroyed was priceless. I need a screen shot. How on earth could Zach say he would throw the HOH comp when everyone just voted him out???
Thanks Jamie I didn't see that but I was only kidding about the Donny being a lying snake comment obviously though
Lol I just noticed more people would want Jocasta and Victoria to win than christine!
I think it was fruit loops!! It was so funny haha.
Zach told Donny to vote him out so he wasn't the only one.
Way too close for comfort
Good thing HE didn't come back!
Thank you thank you thank you Nicole pulled it out on that last disk. Did you see how happy everyone was when they thought it was worthless Jocasta coming back in? I had a feeling Nicole was going to win when I saw the comp cause I figured the 2 guys across from each other would toss too hard and knock each other off. I also have a strong feeling she's going to double up and win this HOH as well. Especially since I think it may be the counting comp.
Probably because Christine is basically cheating on her husband in the house lol!
Can't believe Jocasta almost won!
Go Nicole hope she stays!
Ahh I hope Nicole or Donny win hoh!
What a good show tonight and great chat room!
Go, Nicole. Play smart and get out the ones that count, meaning not Christine right away. Those four guys need to be broken up first.
Have a good night, Jamie. You're so sweet for keeping us posted for times when we can't keep up ourselves!
I wonder what Zach was saying while waiting to be evicted. He was very animated and I could see he was saying something about 3 months.
Loved the fruit loops! What a memorable exit. So glad it's Nicole back in and not Jocasta! And Julie doing the ice bucket challenge live was amazing!
If you watch he told him to.
Oh i guess i should have kept reading already said :)
I wanted him to win til i saw that and his target Victoria. Bigger fish to fry before her. Her soon though i hope!!!
I was gonna be happy as long as jocasta didnt get back in the house....she was just too boring and didn't really seem to be playing the game...as much as I want Derrick to win it all, I do believe Nicole is the only other person able to beat him at the end
While watching the total crapshoot as round 5 ended. I was NOOOOO not Jocosta please no. No offense to her, but we needed one of the others back. Other wise this would of been a total waste. So we have Nicole back which was my second choice. Now hopefully she will trust Donny and work with him. Let's hope this doesn't end up like Judd a total waste.
That was close. I wanted Hayden after I say his comments in the jury house. He had bigger targets! I hope he talked to Nicole!! Zach mentioned Vic...really. get. Derek & Frankie out first. Derek lost all my respect in yhe last couple days. He WAS playing the best game. I think Donny didn't get enough air time.
Phew Brian! I was a bit worried, cause I LOVE your comments. I was sad to see Zach leave cause I think he would've teamed up with Donny. Then he talked about going after Vic..what's her face? Really??
Thought I would share. GinaMarie tweeted that Julie did the #aclicebucketchallenge... anyone heard of it? LOL oh poor GinaMarie
There wasn't even ICE in the bucket what a disappointment
A star is born. Whatever your feelings about Zach, I thought his eviction and exit interview was the best I've ever seen. He was totally at ease and spontaneous and he and Julie seemed to have a great rapport. I'll bet CBS will be looking at him in much the same way they employ Rachel and Jeff Schroeder.
For a second I was sure Jocasta was going back in, but congratulations to Nicole. I'm sure Derrick is in damage control mode, which isn't the same as panic. Sorry folks, he's not evil, he's trying to win a game that doesn't reward the impossible standards you try to hold them to. I know that if Donny's plans were coming together he would be as ruthless as anybody in there. Everything will depend on the outcome of the HOH comp.
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