Around 10:55am BBT, Zach told Frankie that he's had his back since Day 1 and that he's helped his game more than he's hurt his game.
Frankie's response was "I know, I know." Zach told him to do what he's gotta do.
Zach then went to the hammock and talked to us live feedsters and told us that he did everything he could, nothing more he can do, he's going home (jury) and it sucks.
11:47am BBT:
Feeds are back!
The Replacement Nom is:
11:51am BBT:
Inside, Derrick is on patrol, per Team America's task.
Outside, Frankie is reciting what he told Zach during the Veto Ceremony.
Frankie: "As long as he sleeps, we'll be fine."
Frankie thinks they have 2 more shifts of being on patrol. Frankie said Zach came to him 4 times this morning saying he'd never put him up/vote him out/will vote for him at F2. Frankie said Zach's never held true to his word.
Frankie is telling Cody/Caleb their speeches were both great. Frankie compliments his own shorts and calls them "Dicktastic" (because it shows off his privates).
12:04pm BBT:
Caleb/Frankie are playing pool. Caleb thanks him for taking him off the block.
Frankie is telling Caleb he's not gonna be going after Caleb. Caleb says the same for him and that he only thought about 1 time (getting rid of Frankie). Caleb tells Frankie how Zach said the week Amber went home, they were gonna get him (Caleb) out that week. Frankie said of course Zach would "say sh*t like that".
12:09pm BBT:
Cody rejoins the boys. They're talking about Zach might try to flip votes to stay.
Frankie said that Zach's strategy is that he shows his cards but then blames others for it.
Frankie: "God I feel so much better."
Frankie thinks that Zach will do/say ridiculous things until he's evicted on Thursday.
12:25pm BBT:Inside, Derrick is on patrol, per Team America's task.
Outside, Frankie is reciting what he told Zach during the Veto Ceremony.
"Zach have a seat, it's time of you Julie to finally meet."
Frankie: "As long as he sleeps, we'll be fine."
Frankie thinks they have 2 more shifts of being on patrol. Frankie said Zach came to him 4 times this morning saying he'd never put him up/vote him out/will vote for him at F2. Frankie said Zach's never held true to his word.
Frankie is telling Cody/Caleb their speeches were both great. Frankie compliments his own shorts and calls them "Dicktastic" (because it shows off his privates).
12:04pm BBT:
Caleb/Frankie are playing pool. Caleb thanks him for taking him off the block.
Frankie is telling Caleb he's not gonna be going after Caleb. Caleb says the same for him and that he only thought about 1 time (getting rid of Frankie). Caleb tells Frankie how Zach said the week Amber went home, they were gonna get him (Caleb) out that week. Frankie said of course Zach would "say sh*t like that".
12:09pm BBT:
Cody rejoins the boys. They're talking about Zach might try to flip votes to stay.
Frankie said that Zach's strategy is that he shows his cards but then blames others for it.
Frankie: "God I feel so much better."
Frankie thinks that Zach will do/say ridiculous things until he's evicted on Thursday.
Caleb/Frankie are shooting pool and talking about Donny was trying to talk game this week. Caleb says that Donny's friends are outta the house now and he should just stop game talking. (*Please win HOH, Donny!)
**Gotta take the doggy out, BRB!
12:45pm BBT:
Zach/Frankie are arguing in the backyard.
Frankie: "You're a prolific liar. I can out f*cking talk you any day of the f*cking week!"
They're going back & forth.
Zach: "I'm not an idiot, so f*ck you."
Frankie: "'re going home anyway."
Frankie walks away.
12:54pm BBT:
Frankie: "Are we gonna do this all week? Fight?"
Frankie is crying now.
Frankie: "Don't bring my f*cking name into it, because I will WRECK you! I want us to go out as friends. You threw under the bus to f**cking Caleb yesterday! I can't trust you as far as I can f**king throw you!"
Zach: "Don't tell me I played an amazing game.."
Frankie: "You should've gone home week 2 and you didn't, because you did play an amazing game."
Frankie wants Zach to be himself, fun and happy all week.
Zach: "I have nothing else to say."
Frankie: "So we can't have fun for 3 days?"
Zach: "I dunno..I have lots of..I dunno."
(Basically Frankie doesn't want Zach to go around hurting his game and others games, too. He's going to jury regardless, so just relax and have fun this week.)
Frankie: "Unless you want Donny or Victoria in Final 2..we're gonna pick each other off."
Zach: "You guys picked me off."
Frankie said that if Zach would have just agreed to go up with Donny, none of this would have happened this week.
Zach: "Okay."
Frankie: "And that's what I based my decision on. I was heavily burdened by my personal feelings for you."
1:02pm BBT:
Frankie is saying that if Donny wins HOH, everyone will be his new best friend, but that's just playing the game..not being a hypocrite. (Zach is mostly just listening to Frankie.)
Frankie heads inside, says he loves Zach and that he (F) is gonna play the game. Zach tells him he's been playing a good game. Frankie goes inside and goes to tell Cody/Caleb the retell of what just happened between him/Zach. Victoria is there, too.
Cody: "This is just the start of it."
Frankie: "There's nothing he can say anymore."
Caleb: "He has no ammo."
1:13pm BBT:
Frankie called to the D.R.
Christine/Victoria/Caleb/Cody/Derrick are in the living room, chit-chatting about the neighborhood patrol. (I believe it ends tonight at 7pm BBT.)
Zach's alone outside.
Derrick goes outside to check on Zach and works that jury vote. Zach said he's fine.
1:36pm BBT:
Zach's in the Storage Room reading the rule book.
1:38pm BBT:
Frankie goes into the Storage Room to see what Zach's doing in there.
Zach must have put the rule book away.
1:40pm BBT:
Zach goes into the bathroom.
Frankie follows a minute later and goes into the bathroom stall.
1:45pm BBT:
Frankie: "This is an attractive look."
Frankie sits down on the bathroom couch, trying to act like everything is okay. Zach isn't really saying much.
Frankie/Zach are talking a little bit now. Frankie saying that Devin was his goal (for sex) in the house.
Zach: "I'm tired, man. It's either eat or sleep. Or both. Dude I'm so fat right now."
Frankie: "I am too."
Zach: "Great color scheme in the bathroom."
Frankie: "It is."
Zach: "Very beachy."
2:08pm BBT:
Zonny are talking.
Donny asked Zach if he's sad, he says no..just feeling defeated. Donny said he's felt that same way several times. Zach told Donny how everyone was in on the skittles draw to see who would throw the comp.
Zach: "Christine tried to hand them a bone. How the hell did you find 6 bones??"
Donny: "I had to."
2:14pm BBT:
Zach/Donny are still talking.
Zach: "Never. They're all against you, Donny."
Donny: "That's gonna look bad (for them) on TV. All these young people pickin' on an old man, for no reason. I've been (nominated) 5 times, more than anybody. My poor family watching me.."
Zach: "Odds are stacked against you, but just gotta win HOH/Veto, HOH/Veto..Go down as a legend, Donny!"
Donny: "Not socially, though."
Donny: "I best go inside, they'll get paranoid."
Zach: "Yea. I'm gonna go take a nap."
Donny heads inside.
Zach stays outside on the backyard couch.
**Enjoy the live feeds!!
Stay tuned...
Everyone's flipping out on twitter and other social media with #RenomRule. Let's see what happens now :D
I hope Zach finds a way to stay, Nicole comes back into the game and the two of them work with Donny and take out everyone else with Donny/Nicole f2 and Donny wins... In my perfect world lol
Still don't think Zack is gonna be the renom. I could be completely wrong. Time will tell :)
Zach's been sowing the wind, now he's reaping the whirlwind. Good riddance to the snotty little kid..
Dammit Zack haaaas to stay!
I guess time has told you were completely wrong LOL
I think the best you can hope for is Zach gets evicted but he basically gets to talk to Julie see his GB messages and then beats the other 3 Jurors to get to return to the game without really leaving. And he should have a good chance as depending on the comp I'd figure it to be a 2 horse race with him and Hayden.
Frankie game sucks. He better hope he's right and that Derrick, Cody, Caleb and Christine don't come after him next week. I believe he's going to regret getting rid of Zach.
Well here is to ignoring BB blogs until Thursday. I feel horrible with the whole situation so for my ppeace of min I need toforget about It all and resume at a later date. Btw, Caleb and Cody are seeming more and more like asses as time goes on.
Zach has never really been with Frankie since he learned he wanted to get him out a couple weeks ago. He's just been faking it. Even Zach admitted it was a smart game move for Frankie to get rid of him. And he wouldn't say that if he was truly his ally. If their positions were switched this week I'd bet Zach would do the same to Frankie that he's doing to him. If anything Frankie may have even been his #1 target over Donny. I believe Frankie should be safe next week with those 4 as HOH as Donny and whoever returns will both be ahead of him on the chopping block.
I was not a Zach fan at the beginning. I was a less of a Zach fan in the middle. But I'll be danged if I'm not kind of secretly hoping that he wins the comp to get back in just to see Frankie wet himself and start the backpedaling.
KK - I certainly wouldn't mind seeing Zach win and return from jury. Largely because he probably poses the least threat to Derrick because he'll have bigger targets (like Frankie).
Well, I guess technically Jocasta poses the least threat to Derrick because she doesn't really pose a threat to anyone and she has pretty much zero shot at getting back in the house.
@Kim the biggest target there is Derrick I like him but I would like to see him work his magic on the block people compare his game to former winner Dan and Dan was on the block before so I'm hoping Hayden will get back in and if not I'd be ok with Zack , they would both do the most damaged to the dominate alliance in the house Nicole would just target Christine :/ so yea
I agree, Tony, Frankie should have kept Zach because unless Derrick or Cody have control, Zach would have probably stuck with Frankie and recruited Donny and whoever comes back. Caleb is really a floater and could go either way.
Whether Nicole, Hayden, or Zach come back, they should all be going after the detonators.
At this point, there is no way Cody will be going instead of Zach.
If Frankie had a change of heart and got Caleb on board to vote out Cody instead, because I think Donny would for sure go along with that, Frankie would still have to convince either Christine or Victoria and I don't see them voting out Cody. IMHO Zach is gone. And, unlike some of you, I am not especially hoping for him to come back because he's too easily swayed and may go right back in with the group. He just doesn't seem to take anything very seriously.
Janely - Derrick SHOULD be the biggest target if these houseguests were smart but none of them seem to realize just how much he is controlling everything (which is fine by me and is brilliant to watch). I thought Donny had Derrick all figured out but now he seems to believe Zach that Frankie is the mastermind of the house.
So, if Cody found all the items, can TA still win the $ if someone still does a neighborhood watch for the rest of the 24 hours (hoping to catch someone still taking things)?
Derrick is truly controlling this game and it is unnoticed by the house guest. My only fear is that none of them will realize it at the end. They won't be given enough time to realize what has been going on.
I'm hoping production enforces the Renom Rule so Zach is able to come off the block.
The TA mission was to hide stuff from every HG and get them to hold a neighborhood watch for 24hrs. Them finding the stuff or not had nothing to do with. And it's actually better that Cody found it or else TA would've had to "find" it or return it themselves.
Ah well there goes my theory. I really did have a feeling something was going down. Guess not lol
Yep guess so. I have no trouble admitting when I am wrong. I am wrong quite often about a lot of different things lol
What's this renom rule??
Kim, do you really think Donny believes that Frankie is the mastermind or was he just trying to get some info?
As quiet as Donny is, his mind is always working and I think he can read people pretty well so I'm wondering if he just wanted to get other people's thoughts.
Frankie is such a whirlwind and always bopping in. Frankie may always be in on things but with Derrick's calm demeanor, if someone was on the outside (and smart enough) and not one of their confidantes, they could be more impartial and see who is actually controlling. The problem has been that most of the people, with the exception of Donny, have at one time or another believed that they are a part of their alliance. Therein lies the problem.
Just a thought.
@ Nancy - I think Donny had to let Zach talk about Frankie being the "head" - if he would have disagreed with him and stated his case about Derrick - the conversation would have been over. Zach wants to be heard.
If they were going to do that they would've done it before they let Frankie put Zach up not after. It's not like they didn't know everything that went down last night.
Yea I agree WE know his game is brilliant but he's so good that no one has really noticed except for Donny and maybe he's even changing his mind he's gonna have to make a good speech at F2 or win HOH and take out big players
I think that's why he was reading the rule book if that happen it would be great! I know production has been letting them tell people they're going up but they love to interfere so they just might do something this time
Donny is really annoying me with this "picking on an old man" stuff.
They aren't picking on you because you are an old man. They are going against you because you have had almost no social game and you aren't in their alliance. It has nothing to do with you age. What, are they just supposed to let you walk to the end because you are older than everyone else?
I think that Donny has had a great social game. It just so happens that the people he was closest to were voted out. Everyone loves Donny the person though it seems like.
I personally think his "picking on an old man" stuff is game play. Garnering sympathy from someone who just got stuck by his own alliance. He knows he's a beast. I could be wrong, of course, but I think he's going about it the right way. He already has every vote in the jury house, why not try to gain that sympathy for Zach on his way out too?
Just my thoughts.
And you're right, Jacosta has the proverbial snowball's chance to get back in. lol
I guess at least we can all agree he must be a good under cover cop, this shows all of us he is, I wouldn't say the master of the game but his career put to good use which works perfectly for this type of game. I still want him gone though lol...
KK - I guess I view social game as getting people to trust you, making the right alliances, etc. Not just having people like you as a person.
I agree that everyone likes Donny as a person and for that reason I think he would be dangerous to sit next to at final 2 (even though I think he's hardly played BB). Especially for Derrick since Derrick is going to have to work to show the jury in a short time just how much influence over everything he's had all game.
You may be right that the "picking on an old man" stuff is game play. I've just seen Donny do so little game playing this season that my mind doesn't tend to track that way with him. To me, his only game play has been winning a couple of comps when his back was against the wall. He's had no real alliances, he wasted his HOH, and he sleeps through half the house activity.
Can you tell I'm not a Donny fan and don't get the hype?!? :)
It's time for Zach to make life miserable for everyone in the Jury House.
Interesting - I do think it would by hysterical if they took Zach off the block by saying Frankie broke the rules LOL. Here's what I saw someone say about the rule on Twitter -
The rules specifically state you cannot tell the person who you're nominating that they're going up.
I think Donny just uses the "old man" thing as a game ploy too - he is old compared to some of these people! And he looks older with that stupid beard!
I'm a Donny fan! I also like Zack and hope he comes back. I think Donny is playing the game. I think his age and the fact that people don't believe he is who he says he is and people have blamed him for some things has kinda alienated him from the rest. Being a target since week one and still there , he's playing the game and the comps he has won has helped keep him there. I also think he knows he can't talk game to anyone that won't go back and tell the others and make him more of a target. Because he's on the outside I think he sees who with who I mean come on when their always together and derrick telling him we picked skittles in front of everyone except you. What does that tell him?
I think Donny has played an amazing game! He's been a target since week one and has own comps to save himself! That's a bb winner in my book!! Team Beard!!
Donny's beard, I read was for the winter. BB told him not to shave it when he was called for the show.In the summer he says it is too hot so I am sure he will shave soon. As he strokes it I wonder it is a message to home...............
Its beginning to become clear. Lol!
Its beginning to become clear. Lol!
Nothing... They told the original nominees too. If they try to get a Victoria or Donny out over Frankie, they're stupid . F can't play hoh
I wish they would let him take it off but production wanted him to have it...
I totally agree with you and am glad I'm not the only one who isn't particularly fond of Donny. He essentially put himself as a target by going to bed so much earlier than the rest of the HGs. Look what happened with the Skittle incident. Derrick and Frankie took advantage of Donny sleeping early to get him on the block.
What's the renom rule?
Since the day the bomb squad was formed, anyone talking game was immediately ostracized and eliminated. The boys completely discounted Donny's intelligence and treated him as a country bumpkin. The arrogance of the boys has completely exploded as they treat anyone not in their alliance as though they were beneath them ( Christine included as the boys). They have berated others for catching on to their lies and personally attack everyone just for entertainment value. Donny has treated everyone with respect and kindness regardless of how he has been treated. He knows precisely what has been going on but there was no one to join him to compete against them. They often belittle Donny behind his back whenever they think he is taking game. I am pretty sure everyone on the show will see the things that were said and done when they watch the episodes and not live anymore feeds but most are too narcissistic to even recognize how awful they really were. I will cheer for someone with integrity and strength of character any day over a pack of bullies. Go Donny!
I look at BB as a social experiment, how low would someone stoop, how easily will someone abandon their values, how dishonest would someone be, in public view, for the sake of money? I am intrigued by those who claim to be wonderful people outside of the house and claim that they only behave in this way because it is a game. They are acting this way to improve their families life. A means to a greater good. What about the kid who cheats on exams in school, he is only doing it for the greater good of getting into a better college and create a better life for his future family. Or the guy who backstabs a colleague to get a promotion. The same argument could be made. Backstabbing, dishonesty, and blindsides make the show more entertaining, absolutely. It is expected from at least one house guest. But I am kind of discouraged that a police officer would not mind presenting himself in this manner. I think I would rather lose with honor than explain why it is ok to make a naive girl cry and feel as though she betrayed me when I was completely being deceptive. Makes me wonder what other standards one would abandon for what he considers a greater good.
My gosh, I can't believe how fast things change in the house. I haven't read any of the blogs or watched TVGN for the past day and a half. Zach is going now? Wow! After reading everything Frankie has said, I need to take a shower. He is disgusting. His personality is so awful. I am glad he isn't going this week because if Thursday is the buy back in, he could win because he is winning lots of comps. I still want Nicole or Hayden to win it to get back in.
Nancy, I completely agree with you, if Zach came back he would continue to go along with the detonators in order to try to stay safe as long as possible. I just don't believe that he has the confidence that going against the alliance would be in his best interest. It is too bad that even those within the alliance cannot see how they are playing into the hands of Derrick.
Janely, as much as I too hope that Hayden comes back, I realize that Hayden did not do so well in the competitions. Hopefully he was underplaying his ability in order to lay low and avoid notice but if he really does not do well in the comps, he will not last long if he does come back. Hopefully long enough for the detonators to implode because eventually they have to.
How in the world has Donny not done much game playing?
Umm, lets see, he's won several pov challenges and a couple of HOH's.
I'd say that's def playing the game...
So do you think production will actully follow this rule it as typical just let Frankie get away with it?
While in my sewing room, I was half listening to live feeds shortly at 5:00 BBT. It was just a visit between Derrick and Donny so not paying much attention. All of a sudden, I noticed Caleb upstairs on the floor on his belly. He had been in the HOH room and crept out to eavesdrop. So comical but too bad he didn't catch Derrick filling Donny with crap again.
The funniest thing about it is when Derrick ran upstairs to return the chess game, Donny asked Derrick what Caleb was doing up there, listening to us? Derrick said, no, I think he must have been in the bathroom because he knew he was up there. So impressed that Donny had Caleb's number also.
BB would be one booooooring show if everyone acted like saints.
If Zach came back unless him or Donny were HOH they would guaranteed be everyone else's 2 targets and put up together. However if he did manage to also come back as HOH on top I think he would try to strike a deal with Cody and Derrick who would then drag Victoria along to team up with him and Donny to go against Frankie, Caleb and Christine. They would obviously accept the deal to keep themselves safe. Now whether they could trust it they wouldn't know until Derrick or Cody ever got power. But they can't go it alone just the 2 of them against the whole house anyway so they'd have nothing to lose agreeing to it.
The funniest part was when Donny called Caleb Creep Mode Cowboy
I hear you, there needs to be friction and elements that are not exactly upstanding, there needs to be entrainment value. If i ever wason theshowI would probably be the first one evicted, lol
lol @ Jon!
I'm pretty sure i would be too, but because i can't bite my tongue. It'd be too hard for me to do after like day 3 lol
Everyone would want you out before the feeds or show even came on LOL
People are saying that there is a rule that the HOH can Not tell the person that they are being put up as a renom. Brittany Godwin (previous winner) has tweeted that there is NO such rule. And she should know, So... lol
hahaha!! @ Brain
That'd be very disappointing to everyone on the blog looking forward to you playing to have you on the way out the 1st time it comes on. However silver lining we'd all be missing having your blog that season but then you'd still get to blog all but the 1st week. So at least there's that LOL
But unfortunately I can't see where Frankie broke the rule, because it was actually Caleb who told Zach he's going up! So lets beg he has the chance to come back on Thursday
I think one reason Donny was excluded was that he and Devin formed the first alliance right off, the Double D's, and Devin kept that separate and away from the Bomb Squad.
I hope Victoria shreds that pink hat.
I wish Cody would take some sinus meds because I'm getting sick of hearing him constantly snorting up that head full of mucus.
Honestly Derrick is beyond smart. It's clear his plan is to drag Victoria by her hair extensions to F2 so that the obvious choice would be him for the win. He knows that he will soon have to start picking off his "bros" one by one, and he has been nothing but loyal to them all season so once they are all in jury he has the win in the bag. All he has to do is make it to final two, stand there, smile and he has the 500k locked in.
Kinda glad the game sucks (to me) cause it's back to classes for me..
I pray Donny wins.
Or Derrick grows balls and gets blood on his hands (probably too late for that) and then wins. But would love for Donny to win.
The very dangerous part of doing that though is that if Derrick doesn't win the final HOH and whoever that 3rd person in the F3 does they could very easily do the same thing and take Victoria to F2 instead of Derrick. I can't think of any way that 3rd person wouldn't have to be a complete idiot to take Derrick in that scenario. So he'd be pretty much banking everything on that final toss up finish the Jury members answer comp as to whether he wins $500K or nothing.
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