BB then called for an indoor lockdown and feeds went on/off of fishies here and there for a little bit.
At 6:41pm BBT Cams 3/4, Caleb tells Derrick that him/Cody heard "Frankie is the saboteur", followed by immediate fishies again.
Caleb: "Cody & I heard the same thing."
Derrick: "Are you serious? Frankie is the saboteur?"
Caleb: "Yea. That's what they yelled."
Derrick: "I thought it was 'a cop'?"
Caleb: "No."
7:10pm BBT:
HOH Room
Christine: "This is completely random but when we were dealing with the things being stolen last week, (me and Frankie) were talking in the hot tub..maybe America chooses people to do certain tasks. And he goes, "I would be offended if they didn't choose me."
Caleb started to tell a story about Frankie and something now missing, but the fishies are on/off, cutting his story off. Caleb thinks that it was a Donny fan that wants to see Donny stay.
At 7:19pm BBT, as Cody/Caleb/Christine were leaving, Caleb said "So Donny's going home.", though Cody never said anything in response.
**Turn on the live feeds, guys! (They come with a 2 day free trial if you don't have'em!) This could be an interesting night before the veto ceremony tomorrow! :D
Stay tuned...
Let's hope this makes Cody use the Veto! Wow the game must really be getting to Derrick he's slipping up Oh No!
They also yelled that " Derrick is a cop". Caleb and Cody were discussing it at some point too.
Please! Please! Please be that one thing that is needed for Frankie to be put up on the block and evicted!
Oh come on Jamie you can't leave it at that!! You're killin me!!!
Derrick actually says, "thought it was a cop" and caleb says, "no"
I wonder if CBS arranged this; since the viewers want Donny to stay. This can have the potential to shake things up!
Derrick said to Caleb "I thought it was a cop." Not "that I was a cop" cause they were talking about the possibility of it being police over loudspeakers, from when Donny was outside telling his story to Nicole and Derrick.
thanks Amanda! was hard to hear Derrick, jsut went back and rewatched it..sounds like "I thought it was 'a cop'?"
the fishies were on/off so often, im guessing we missed a convo somewhere.
How do these people keep getting on the lot to do this? Doesn't CBS have better security than this?
I am new to the live feeds. How do I rewind to a specific time?
Katie: if you're on a computer, go to the calendar icon next to the "LIVE" sign.
you can't flashback on the cell or ipad i believe. let me know if you need more help :)
Oh thank u! Yes, I was on my cell.
No prob girl! I had to watch it a few times myself to actually hear it correctly. :)) thank you for all you do!
What on earth is up with the people being able to get on the lot and yell stuff this season? It usually happens every now and again each season but this year it seems like it's rampant. And not only that but this isn't the 1st time the person has had a megaphone so that what they say is clearly heard. Many times even when someone yells they can't really make out too well what exactly is being said. So you mean to tell me people are not only sneaking onto the lot but doing so with a megaphone to boot? I don't like Frankie personally but that would be BS to me if he got evicted because of that. Especially since it isn't even true but even if it was that wouldn't be fair.
Its a pretty sad state of affairs when the most interesting thing to happen today in the ol BB house is actually a random fan with a megaphone outside of the ol BB house.
I'd love to see Frankie go, but I don't think there is any way that Cody pulls the big move here. That boy has no idea how to play this game, and unless Derrick (the true HOH) tells him to then noms stay the same and Donny goes home.
I'd love to see Derrick vs Donny, 2 mental giants playing a chess game back and forth the rest of the season. These two have been fun for me to watch - Derrick because he has controlled the game, I mean he kept an 8 person alliance together all freakin season; and Donny because he's the only one smart enough to have figured out that Derrick is the puppet master (just doesn't have the numbers to do anything because Derrick is that good).
I thought I was bored with this season but I've been thinking about it, and while I really wish we didn't have so many house votes week after week after week, I'm not really all that disappointed. I have my faves (Derrick, Donny), the duds that I just feel sorry for (Victoria, Jocasta), the players I love to hate (Frankie, Christine), the clueless puppets (Cody, Caleb), the eye-candy (Amber, Brittany), the cutiepies (Hayden, Nicole), the doofus (Devin), the guilty pleasure whom I love but really don't want to (Zach), and the players that I totally forgot about 10 minutes after they left (Joey, Pao-Pao). So all in all just another great summer watching my favorite "Reality" game-show! #SuckItSurvivor ;)
You're the best Jamie!!!
Thanks for the love, KK!! :D <3 You rock!!
And here comes the show 9:05bb
Dont think for one second that ANYthing happens on tge BB set without CBS approval. Seriously, do u think a fan can sneak onto the lot with a MEGAPHONE??? Nah, not happining unless they allow it to.
I hear ya- It was kinda funny when it was just people yelling "your disgusting" or "we love so and so" but now these idiots are taking it to a whole new level and possibly ruining people's game. So mad
I am so fine with this if it is indeed CBS intervening. Planting seeds of doubt into Cody's mind is always a good thing.
God I hope this wakes some of them up to getting Frankie out. I know it was CBS editing but would have been great if Cody had taken someone down & the house got Frankie out. BB needs to do something to shake things up. The Thursday live blindsided that leave the HG with gaping open mouths usually are the most satisfying
Yep, you would think CBS has better security, but then again it kinda appears to be sketchy that those that have yelled something are obviously NOT team Frankie/Christine/Caleb/Cody. Sooo yeah, I kinda think that maybe those yells have been either staged, planned, & or allowed by CBS & production in attempts to keep Zach/Donny and to plant seeds in getting Frankie out...
Jus sayin...
I agree with you, but it is true about Frankie being the saboteur. The problem with yelling that Donny & Derrick are too is that they would be giving up D & D and I think it appears that Donny & Derrick have MANY fans.
I also think it was just a last ditch effort in keeping Donny, but not sure it will work. Hopefully it will, but it's been more than clear that (other than Nicole, Donny, & Derrick) the house guests do not actually play that game making their own decisions unless Derrick plants the seed.
Sooo yep, Donny staying does not look possible.
I don't think that had Donny won the pov that the comment yelled would've happened.
Ya know..
Well technically there is no saboteur in the way the HGs were thinking when there stuff was hidden. But singling 1 person out as the sole culprit because you don't like him but like the other 2 is BS. Either interfering with the game is wrong or it's cool. You can't have it both ways. You can't cry foul when you think someone you don't like was given help but then ask for some magic power to be given to Donny and Nicole that automatically makes them the F2. That's hypocritical to me.
These people yelling things are hilarious! Need more this kind of stuff especially if it helped the HG's
Unless they yelled things that helped HGs that you didn't like and hurt ones that you did. Then everyone would be outraged and calling it unfair.
@Brian: I've seen criticisms of CBS playing favorites to make someone win and then turn around and "hope" that CBS does something to help someone win. Hmmm...sure is hypocritical.
@KK: So fun reading your post about your views of the HG's. Those are exactly my same thoughts of on!
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