Good evening, BB addicts! Sorry for not doing an Overnighter today, I am beyond sick. :( I've been in bed sleeping all day and trying to get better. Nothing happened last night anyway, except for Cody getting drunk. Tonight's BB16 episode will show the end of the HOH endurance comp and then the Nominations Ceremony, where HOH Caleb put up Nicole/Christine.
*West Coasters, you can watch along with us right here:
I'll see y'all tomorrow with a new post, I just don't know when. Hopefully I'm up for more than an hour tomorrow to make a new post. See y'all tomorrow!
Stay tuned...
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Feel better
thanks Nikki! <3
Get better girl. The world needs you!
Sick again? Poor thing! I hope you start feeling better soon!
Missed having you post today even if there was nothing to post about. I hope you are feeling better soon. :)
So sorry to hear you are sick hope you feel better soon. Take care.
Feel better Doll!!!
get better Jamie!!!!! <3
I was actually starting to worry! Get well soon🌺
Be well
Get well!
Feel better! I had a viral thing yesterday and it's terrible. Feel better !!
Feel better soon!
Jamie, I hope you feel better soon. Thank you for all you do.
You just worry about getting better. All this can wait.
So glad that CBS finally gave Frankie his true edit. He came across as so arrogant tonight.
I am so not a fan.
Being sick on a long holiday weekend is like a kid being sick on a snow day. :-/
I hope you feel better, Jamie!
I hope you feel better soon! :)
You are loved!! Feel better soon :)
Take care of yourself :) Hope you feel better soon Jamie!
the wheels are in motion to get Frankie out ladies&gents!
Derrick,BMC and Cody all tried to decide who should go between Frankie and Nicole and it really sounds like Frankie's going up and out!!!
ps, you're amazing Jamie! you know someone is amazing when tons of people noticed you were gone and almost every comment is lovely:)
Feel better soon! I'm sure Beel wil help take care of you:-)
Don't get too excited just yet. Everyone did last week when same thing happened with keeping Donny but Derrick wasn't into it and he talked everyone out of it. And Derrick doesn't appear to be in favor of backdooring Frankie this week either. So don't be surprised if he once again puts the kibosh on it.
Thanks a million for the update Ryee! I can only hope it's true & they get him out!
Feel better doll! :)
Get well Jamie! We do love you! As stated above, they habe their biggest chance to get rid pf FRANKIE GRAN DAA! Peace out FG, at least hes finally shpwinng the real ass that he is.
Jamie, here's hoping you are feeling better this morning.
There was nothing going on yesterday anyway. Saturday night when Cody was feeling no pain, him and Caleb did talk quite a bit about how it would go down in different scenarios, with Cody, Caleb, and Derrick left. They were definitely planning on Frankie being gone if things worked out.
I'm happy to see Ryee's post that they are even considering him over Nicole, better sooner than later. He's a tough competitor and they really need to get him out before it's out of their hands, if that's what they're thinking.
Of course, Cody thinks him and Cody are two of the best all time players and that he himself has such a good chance of taking it all. At the very least, he believes that one of the three will win the $500,000, one of them the $50,000, and the other will win the $25,000.
He believes that nobody remembers Devin, Amber, and even Donny is forgotten by now that they are out of the house.
Take care of yourself, Jamie.
Feel better soon Jamie. Drink lots of fluids. 💖
Get well !! Don't forget the Vitamin C!!!!!
Get well
Feel better!!! I don't normally comment but I really appreciate all that you do and hope you are well soon :)
I found your blog three years ago but I rarely comment.. But I just had to say that my two kids are sick as well so I know what you're going through. Drink plenty of fluids (orange juice has plenty vitamin C) ;) and get better soon!! Thank you for all your hard work!
Fell better! Love the blog. I hope Frankie is out next!!
Feel better!
I love this site. You're amazing!
Feel better miss ya so seriously get better! Yes I'm being selfish
I've been reading your blog for a long time but have never posted. Reading your blog is as much fun as watching the show, sometimes more! Hope you feel better soon!
Feel better soon Jamie! :)
Hope you are feeling better today, girl! Thank you for all that you do! As of last night's BBAD, it REALLY seems as though the disgustingly fake, narcissistic, prima-donna Frankie will finally be bitten in the butt by Karma, and will be back-doored, as per the opening convo with Caleb, Cody, and Derrik. I sincerely hope this plan plays out; I would love nothing more than to hear America boo Frankie as he walks out to meet Julie, with his ridiculously over dramatic, shocked look on his face. It would be the most entertaining game move anybody has made all summer. Here's hoping!!
@Marie Ann
I've got some bad news for you. Those 3 debated long into the night and early morning and eventually settled on sticking to putting up Victoria and evicting Nicole this week.
They still only showed a fraction of the true Frankie. They didnt air his punching Nicole in the face comment did they? From what Ive read on other blogs, they toyed seriously with the idea of backdooring Frankie and then chickened out. DAMN DAMN DAMN
They better not chicken out! Make a bold move for once guys! Feel better soon Jamie:)
Jamie, crappy way to spend a holiday:-( hope you feel better soon. I spelled Bella's name wrong in a post last night , I'm sure she's right by your side:-)
Really disappointed with this season, BORING!!! I don't even watch the show anymore but do keep up with your blog. Thanks Jamie for all you do:-))) Feel better:-)
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