The houseguests target for this upcoming week is Donny, but they don't know that tonight's HOH comp will have the jurors competing, so that could change depending on which juror comes back and/or who wins HOH tonight.
Yesterday as Donny/Zach talked in the living room, Caleb did his Creepmode Cowboy army crawl spying technique and spied on them. He then reported back to his alliance members will all the dirt. He said that Donny doesn't wanna be around them (since they don't wanna be around him), Zach said they're shunning him because he's going home tonight, and Donny made a joke about letting M&M's pick his nominations if he wins HOH..which ticked Derrick off and said..
Derrick: "I'll slap those M&M's right out of his hand, I swear to God on my daughter, fu*kin' I will. He pulls that bag out, I'll slap it outta his hands...I'll rip that bag into a million pieces, now pick 4 of'em off the ground, bitch."
(Flashback Time Stamp: August 20, Cam 2, 4:42 & 48 seconds)
At 12:29am BBT, Frankie/Derrick were talking in the HOH bathroom. Derrick doesn't understand why Donny would be throwing their names out there. Frankie mentions is may be to shift focus away from him.
Derrick: "I don't know why (Donny) would go after the 2 guys that allegedly have his back."
They talk about how Cody is jealous of Christine talking to Derrick and how Cody's getiting close with Victoria.
At 12:41am BBT, Frankie and Caleb helped put Zach's evicted outfit together.
Christine made a heart out of aluminum foil and gave it to Cody.
She keeps saying "sorry" and "forgive me" because she didn't help Cody pack.
They then walked into the kitchen, with Christine clinging to him and kissed his neck.
At 2:36am BBT, Victoria was going on about how much time he's been spending with Christine. Derrick teases her and asks if she's jealous.
Derrick: "I still got your back."
Victoria: "Yesterday you were eating pancakes and you never looked at me."
Derrick said that he didn't feel good while eating them and that they weren't good. Derrick mentions that he thinks tonight's HOH comp will be the wall comp.
After their convo ends, an irritated Derrick looks at the camera and says "28 more days."
**And that's it for the Overnighter!! It's live eviction day, so expect to watch the houseguests get ready for the live show, do their weeklyHOH lockdown for live show prep, feeds will be on/off fishies & etc., so I'll see you guys back here tonight 30 mins before the live show begins at 9pm ET! You might wanna have your feeds ready to go & some coffee in hand. We could be in for a loooong night of endurance!! ;) See y'all tonight!! :D
PS If you don't have the live feeds, I'd suggest you get'em now and get them set up before tonight's live comp. They're $9.99/month for the rest of the season!
Stay tuned...
Sorry, I'm hoping more and more for Donny to take the lead! he is just an awesome guy, playing the game without talking complete SH*T about everyone that challenges him.
IF Derrick were smart - he would keep Zach over Cody - he needs SOMEONE who can win competitions on a small scale at least. Cody = minimal, Victoria = no reason even thinking it, Derrick = minimal. So Frankie will take the lead with Caleb. More votes but less potential to win
Well there goes what little respect I had for Derrick.
Derrick is the worst. Ugh. No, wait, Victoria is the worst. Or is it Christine? They're all terrible. But, seriously, Derrick is the worst. SO slimy.
Early overnighter today :)
Man can Christine and cody stop already? Sheesh. Here's hoping Donny/ Zach or Donny/Hayden take over the house.
Derrick is nothing more than a conniving and hateful bully. He continues to spew his venom all throughout that house and without any acknowledgement from any of the HG's at not even one point?? Ever?? How dare Donny ruffle some feathers and throw out Derrick's name into the cauldron of boredom that is this season? Of course the conversation between Chris and Donny an Cody and Donny were going to get back to the so called "mastermind" derrick, and of course this ticked Derrick off, but again this is a game and he has to remember that he is not invincible. This mans self entitlement is literally through the roof and for that I can barely even stand to have the feeds on if his gigantic head is in the camera frame. Suspicious if you ask me, but hey we are just the fans that actually PAY for the feeds and make this show happen on a yearly basis. Our opinions do not matter to production, nor CBS. All we can do is give America's Player to the deserving party (i.e. Donny, Nicole or of course, Mr. Zach Attack. In my opinion, Donny has already won America's player by being selected as part of Team America. So let's all join forces and give that prize to Nicole or Zach. The real "super fans" of BB16.
Derrick man......way to lose any respect people had for you.
Derrick kind of reminds me of a dictator. "Do as I say and not as I do." That kind of mentality annoys me to no end. I really hope someone can switch up the house tonight and put Derrick in the hot seat.
yessss Jamie!!! we are finally getting our endurance fix ;D im having a big brother party with my friends tonight and we're hooking the live feeds up to my TV for the endurance comp, its gonna be epic!!! soooo glad Frankie doesn't get to compete!!!!
Derrick man......way to lose any respect people had for you.
I agree as a fan and a fellow cop.
Wow what a hypocrite Derrick is! He'd slap the candy out of Donny's hands? Ummmmmm. That is EXACTLY how him and Frankie picked nominations this week. I hope Zach attack sores back into the game and him and Donny get those guys OUT!! I'm losing so much respect for Derrick and starting it really hope he doesn't win.
Cody is the under-the-radar Most Useless BB houseguest.
If I'm not mistaken... hasn't Victoria won more? 1 PoV (albeit given to her via BMC, but still) & BoB? Or has she lost all of her BoBs...
Cody has just the 1 HoH... such a faint memory.
Ditto. Not tgat I had much left, but that small fraction is gone.
Cody has 1 HOH under his belt and Victoria has 2 BOB's and a Veto under hers!
How can Derrick be so mad when they literally JUST did noms this way this week... He's really starting to irritate me. He thinks he is so high n mighty in the house(And that's because none of his minions have realized that he's working the puppet strings).
Now's the time for normally decent house guests to start letting the pressure get to them. Doubt Derrick would've said that 3 weeks ago. I still like him, but it's high time he gets humbled. A little time on the block at the hands of Donny or Nicole would be just the ticket.
If Derrick had any chance at fan favorite, he probably just lost it.
Christine is just gross, and pathetic.. If I was her husband, I'd have divorce papers waiting on her when she got home. I dont care what she tries to say, there is no "strategy" in that.
Just lost a ton of respect for Derrick, double standards are NOT cool! you know, like the pot calling the kettle black?
#teamdonny the only genuine person in that house.
@Ashaw20- You hit the nail on the head!!! Derrick totally feels high and mighty! He is mad because Donny hasn't fallen under is spell and doesn't believe and follow and hang on his every word! I hope he goes this week. Cody and Christine and Caleb following soon! They seem like mean bullies deep down.
*whistle* Cody, Cody, Cody... in the words of Patches, "You're about as useful as a poopy-flavored lollipop!"
Hayden figured it out. Derrick got mad.
Zach figured it out. Derrick got mad.
Donny figured it out. Derrick got mad.
He's just mad that someone other than himself could ruin his game. Seems they all forget what they just did to Zach. ha...
Derrick may have gotten a little big for his britches, but I'm still rooting for him to win this thing. I always put gameplay before personal feelings when watching this show (Dan got robbed in BB14 I feel), and though Derrick may be acting a bit annoying, there's simply no arguing that he hasn't outplayed everyone else thoroughly.
@jamie do you have the time stamp about caleb and the m&m comment from Derrick
@Matthew and Ryee
I don't count when Victoria got the POV as a win for her as Caleb won the comp but he just chose to take the $5K instead of the VETO. It was more akin to me since she was on the block at the time to when someone uses the POV to save someone else. I don't count that as a comp win for the person being saved. She did win 2 BOBs though.
Frankie and Derrick are mad that Donny's coming after the people who have had his back. But they haven't had his back at all and Donny was smart enough to see that. So frustrating to listen to these people be such hypocrites.
It also makes me really sad to see Donny being left out. When they go out and have him take their picture and go right back to ignoring him. Then they say such hateful things about him behind his back. He seems like such a genuinely nice person that it just makes me really sad to watch.
Also, thank you Jamie for such a wonderful blog!
Brian, I really enjoy your insightful comments!
BAHAHA Derrick and Frankie! You haven't even kept up an allusion of a fake Team America alliance. You exclude Donny from gameplay, you've put him on the block, and not once has either of them made the attempt to save Donny with the POV. They actually make people throw BOB so they can get Donny out and Donny is supposed to be blind to this? I hope Hayden comes back, teams up with Donny, and one of them wins HOH.
she still left that backyard with the veto around her neck and the power to do with it as she pleases, so she won. Caleb won the competition, she won the veto.
(albeit given to her [Victoria] via BMC [beast-mode-cowboy], but still)
I acknowledged this...?
Wow.. I can't even believe that Derrick said that!! And yes, along with everyone else I've lost so much respect for him. He's been a great guy the whole game and hasn't talked like that about anyone and here he goes ABOUT DONNY. That really upsets me.
I vote for Donny all the way!! Or If Nicole or Zach comes back in and Donny leaves somehow! Those are the only 3 I want to win. Anyone else.. oh well.
And don't even get me started on Christine. Making Cody aluminum hearts and kissing his neck?! Yeah.. sounds like game play to me. Her husband is obviously an idiot..... hmmph
Truly...what has Derrick won? He has manipulated extremely well but I know he has won a the winners will be the great floaters?
WOW. Derrick has a whole hell of a lot of nerve. My fists clenched reading what he said about the m&m's. Makes me feel violent. I just can't understand how these guys think it's ok to scheme, plan, degrade people behind their backs & then get so pissed off when they don't buy the fake front they put on to their face. I have less than zero respect for Derrick, Frankie, Cody, Caleb, and Christine. And less than that for Derrick.
I really don't want zach to come back in tonight. I like him but I think he would just fall right back under Frankie's spell. He would just do what they want. I'm really pulling for Hayden or Nicole to come back and get hoh!
I am so tired of Derrick's sense of entitlement and righteously indignant attitude. It's disgusting. It is perfectly acceptable to him to scheme, plot and be dishonest. But when Donny honestly calls it as it is, he can't be a grown man and accept it? All of his ridiculous to-the-camera "go me" speeches? Over it. I am crossing fingers, toes and eyes that he gets smacked down in his place this week.
You would think that after 16 seasons these "super fans and/or students" of the game would have a bigger picture understanding of what is happening - i.e. Derrick controlling the game. Donny is the only one who has it figured out and he has, with much honesty and integrity, tried to open the others' eyes. Christine, Derrick and Frankie are despicable people. It saddens me to see a group of people bully and isolate one person who has done nothing to deserve it. It speaks volumes of their character - game or not.
I saw the convo between Donny and Zach towards the end of BBAD but didn't know CreepMode was eavesdropping. Donny is just soooo offended that the people on the block were picked by Skittles, except him who was sleeping at the time of course. Now that they know for sure that Donny is instigating, they are going to move heaven and earth to get him out. I like Donny, but he only has himself to blame for his predicament with his stunted social game.
I'm cutting Derrick some slack because he is about the last HG that hasn't freaked out at some point yet, (if Donny freaked out who would know, because he is always by himself, by his choice)and the pressure to make his master plan work on a bad week has him buggin' a little. He has to stop finessing it so much and start using brute force by winning HOH and then doing things the old fashioned way.
I'v always hated it when evictees come back into the house, I think its wrong, so I hope Jocasta wins.
Cody and Christine should remember that when you are in a hole, the first rule is to stop digging.
Here is what I'd like to see happen during the HOH comp tonite. Assuming Zack does go I hope that he tells the jury HG's EVERYTHING that has been going on. Even stuff while they were in the house and didn't know. Then of course from this past week. I want him to say it in his usual boisterous voice and just make the other HG's mad and imagine Donny dancing in his head with delight LOL.
If Jocasta is the one to somehow make it back Into the house...I'm done! Cherry on top of a bummer summer ;(
Hello BB addicts. I know why the feeds were down for so long when they were playing Veto. They were filming The Talk in the BB house and they were playing BB game, it is hilarious with Julie Chen playing the game and Jeff was the host.
Derrick has won 2 HOHs and he gave a 3rd HOH he could've won to Frankie after his grandfather died. But this game isn't just about winning comps. Dr. Will who is regarded by many as the best player to play this game never won a single comp in 2 seasons of playing BB. I'm not sure if you're referring to Derrick as a great floater but he is far from that as he's controlled basically the entire game up this far.
I totally agree with you Andy. I can't understand why so many people are against Derrick. I, personally, feel like he does exactly what it takes to win a game like this. Donny isn't exactly innocent- he says things about people as well- Donny just has a softer & sweeter demeanor, while Derricks personality is more "take charge"
I agree with judging gameplay over personal as well. Filmed 24/7 for months in that stressful environment almost everyone is going to vent and say something derogatory. Especially when surrounded in a group going through the same thing and doing so likewise. It just sort of breeds upon itself. Someone like Donny is the extreme exception that proves the rule to thus far avoid falling into that trap which is to be admired. And perhaps being isolated from the group has been helpful in accomplishing this though maybe not. But I'm not going to completely hate on everyone else for simply being more normal and judge them on their absolute worst moments. They've been filmed for over 1500 straight hours now isolated from the world with the same group of people not knowing who if anyone they can trust. How many times have any of us in our regular lives vented in anger or frustration to someone or ourselves about someone else just to get it out? Well in that house there is no doing that as everything they say is seen by the world.
Wow - I'm glad I'm not friends or family with any of you. Someone makes 1 off comment and all of a sudden you have less than zero respect for them? Guess that makes me a horrible person because I've certainly said things before that I look back and wish I hadn't. And my comments weren't made with half a million dollars on the line. Gosh people - lighten up a little!
@ Brian
I don't think Derrick is a total floater - but he has not been in the "hot seat" too much either. which IS because he manipulates sooo well.
my problem is IF derrick goes all the way - he is taking either Cody or Victoria with him to F3/F2...they have done ???
Wow, Derrick certainly is a hypocrite. Why on earth would you think Donny is out of line wanting to draw M&M's to see which of the equally hateful HG's should go up, and especially to get so radical about it, when they did the same thing?
You know, I understand when people repeat what people say and they lie and tell someone they're safe, etc. What I don't care for is when someone makes up a lie that someone else supposedly "said"? It's like playing balderdash but BB is not balderdash. If someone truly told lies and it gets repeated, that's fine but I don't think it's fair to demean a person's character, game or not.
At this point, based on game play, I think pompous a** Derrick deserves #1 and lovable Donny #2.
I just hope that when Donny is out of the house, he realizes just how much loved and favored he was by America and can get past the hurt feelings of the HG's.
Derrick told Frankie that he just doesn't know why Donny would go after the two who have allegedly had his back (allegedly being the operative word).
It really is amazing that they have targeted Donny for so long. Whether you go into the game knowing things like that can happen, it's still hard to imagine that when you're such a nice guy that they could have their radar so focused on one person.
Like Brian said.
And I don't think Donny would have nearly the fervent following he has if he was in charge of or part of an alliance that was running the house. He wouldn't be playing his 'honest, ethical' game if he was, because we all know that that doesn't happen in this game. He's paddling hard, trying to make up for a lot of wasted time playing the harmless country bumpkin that got him this far but won't take him to the end.
Donny really is the perfect storm of fandom: super fan, super nice, super likable, super underdog with the odds stacked against him.
Don't forget Donny's strategy was to keep his mouth shut and not talk game, and not tell anybody anything which left a lot of HG scratching their heads and understandably people viewed him with suspicion. Who would build an alliance on that? He effectively isolated himself, and now getting chummy and offering advice to people he didn't formerly associate with much is raising red flags. I like the guy, and I really like his dry sense of humor which just flies over everybody's heads, but I don't doubt he could be just as cutthroat if given the opportunity.
I agree! The Derrick Hate on here doesn't sound any different than what Derrick said. He's playing a game. And he's playing it very well. But he is human. Plus he has been trapped in a house for 2 months.
Donny a light hearted kind soul. There no other way of seeing the guy.
Derricks a good guy that I think has been in the house with liars idiots and vile disgusting people and that has changed him some. Derrick actions has lost him some respect.
Donny realized that he needed to be proactive if wanted to last in the house.
@ Craig your right this bunch distrust Donny. So him now talking game is falling on deaf ears. It looks like Derrick strings are stronger than anything Donny has to say.
Really getting irritated. All of the people I liked were taken out in a matter of 2 weeks (Hayden, Nicole). And freaking CALEB is still here. I never really liked any of TA, or the whole concept for that matter, but I can't deny that Derrick is good at the game. I know it's annoying, but he's good. He reminds me a lot of Helen from BB15; her only problem was that she got a little too aggressive just a little too early, so we'll see with Derrick. I have nuetral feelings for Donny (which is still better than pretty much all the other HGs.)
And Christine and Cody.. *vomit*
I know it's kind of their business what they do and all, but it's distracting when they are actually starting to become a showmance (and kissing necks *vomit again*) and one of them is married nbd or anything.
Derrick has said to numerous people..I'm not here to hand him 500,000 or he/she isn't helping my game to get me to the end.. I don't understand why these people don't see him as a threat yet, if he were to say that to me I would be like Humm maybe he needs to go...
I think Derrick let the pressure of staying ahead of the "liars idiots and vile disgusting people" get the better of him.
A bit OT, but shouldn't there be an age cutoff for wearing skinny jeans? Frankie is 31 for heaven's sake.
What I don't understand is that if she was so upset by what zingbot said and afraid of how her actions were being perceived you would think she might back off a bit but she appears to be draped over Cody even more so this week (if that is even possible)!
Playing a game is one thing but referring to Donny in the manner in which he did and threatening to smack the m&ms from his hand is not game play, it is being a jerk. This game does not have to be about hate and inciting such anger towards anyone else. You can implicate mistrust and create question or doubt about someone without making it so hate filled. And to top it off he is a cop. There are professions that require maintaining higher standards, even when they are not on the clock. They still represent the job and role they play in the community. A decent human being would have laughed at the m&m reference especially since EVERYONE IN THE HOUSE ALREADY KNOWS ABOUT THE SKITTLES!
Your totally right Shana they never have cought on that he uses I or ME when speaking about winning lol... Buy truly at the moment he is the most deserving of the money... And since fans love Donny so much he is probably winning fan favorite and maybe they'll ask him back for another season. But BB is crazy so who know what will happen. Can't wait for tonight! Hoping Hayden will be back
I agree there should be an Ge limit for wearing skinny jeans. Also can't stand the shortie shorts and how much glitter has to be spewed around the house.
Agree Craig Derrick game has been awesome but the rest of the HG's have been underwhelming. They haven't picked up on how derricks speaks to them. They are deaf to his words. With them BB should write Derrick the check.
Donny was incensed that they would actually pull Skittles to decide who would be nominated, so it wasn't a joke to him so I didn't take it that he was joking about it at all. It sounded to me like it would be an 'in your face, Derrick!' kind of comment if he actually did it that way. Obviously Derrick took it that way too.
I'm not sure how they could have done it differently, they can't draw cards, they had to make use of what they had on hand.
I suppose if they changed their behavior it would sort of be like admitting they were doing something wrong in the 1st place.
Craig, I completely agree! Nicely said!
I agree. I love Donny
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