Speaking of Wednesday nights show, all houseguests except Derrick will be able to play in the HOH week. This was confirmed tonight by Julie Chen herself. So basically anything that happens this week, doesn't mean anything.
Apparently when Jeff & Jordan were in the BB house today, Jeff made a comment about how bad it smelled in there. So the houseguests have been on a cleaning-house kick for awhile now. BB gave them a swiffer sweeper to mop the floors. Frankie kept calling it a "new toy" and was shocked that it sprays out the floor cleaner.
By the way, Frankie is the worst floor cleaner I've ever seen in my life. lol He was all over the place! Going in circles, walking directly in the path he was mopping (*ugh footprints, Frankie..footprints!) He was just awful. lol
Derrick & Victoria did most of the bathroom by themselves. Caleb and Frankie did the floors.
A little bit ago, Caleb/Cody (and eventually Frankie) were in the Old Have Nots Room where the BB Rewind golden button is and they were goofing around, doing ninja moves.
Frankie comes in and does his version of a ninja move on the button.
**And that's about all that's been going on! No drama, no fighting, a lot of boredom. Currently the houseguests are hoping for BB to give them a vacuum to do the rugs because they're so filthy. It's truly riveting stuff, guys. ;) I'll be back tomorrow with The Overnighter. Have a great Friday night!!
Stay tuned...
It's frustrating that Derrick can't play next week either because of the rewind. The chances of repeating this boring, lame, and predictable week verbatim are pretty high. Poor twist choice, CBS.
I just have to day "DAMN!!!!" when seeing that back pic of Cody. Definitely a muscle group exercised in soccer. It is a "brace for impact" muscle. I know soccer players cannot use their arms/hands, but I have never seen such development on that muscle. I am impressed.
I just got around to watching Christine's interview. Wow, she is truly clueless. She still has no clue that Derrick is calling the shots?! She also thinks Nicole was stabbing "her" in the back.... after the boys gave her the boot, it doesn't occur to her, even as a possibility, that she was being played by them? Some "superfan"! I really hated the way she was blaming Nicole for her downfall, proof for me that she truly is a mean girl in AND out of the house. And I also can't believe that Jeff didn't ask her about the boos?!
I'm concerned that if Derrick does make it to F2 that he might have a hard time convincing the jury that he's the puppet master that he truly is. All of the remaining houseguests seem to think they could absolutely beat him in any F2 scenario. I think Nicole, Donnie and Hayden might be smart enough to know how good Derrick really is but will that be enough to convince the rest of the jury?
So wait, Derrick can play on the HOH during the live show and then not the HOH after, or he can't play during the live shows?
Also can someone explain this weeks live ep? Because it's basically a DE without the first eviction, right? So Julie talks to the housegeusts, explains the button, and instead of continuining with the first evction the show goes on/rewinds and then they have a HOH comp, noms, veto, veto ceremony and eviction.
These people are so oblivious to Derrick and so scared of Frankie that those 2 def deserve the final 2. They've had 2 chances at least 2 chances now to backdoor Frankie and havent. Thats just plain stupidity and they deserve to lose. Does no one realize Derrick has never been nominated and Frankie can win any competition.
Speaking of which I literally cannot even stand looking at him anymore let alone listening to his BS. I had been DVRing BBAD and now deleted it cuz I can't bare to hear Frankie. I can't wait to see his face when his HOH becomes invalidated...I hope someone then decides to backdoor him if he doesnt win that hOH/veto. They really do need to shake things up...Even the button is something they've done before as one of the HG mentioned so I don't think it will be a huge surprise. (it does fuel speculation that it was designed to keep frankie in the house although with his winning HOH, that backfired. Was that HOH an endurance? ) I wish CBS would force them to shake things up a bit...You can't have the same format , challenges, double eviction schedule , casting choices every season and expect fans to stay interested. Im really surprised that ratings havent slipped more but they have a core fan base. I just hope Ariana Grande doesnt tweet her fans to vote for Frankie for fave player. Nothing would make me happier than for him to get evicted next week and to have him get more boos than Christine. (but of course he'd say its cuz they're jealous or he's gay and too fabulous)...I looked at arian's twitter and she's gained like 2.5 million followers since BB began. She's the IT girl right now and she has almost triple the followers as the BB audience
I think one reason the other HG think they can beat Derrick in the F2 is because he's telling them that so that they'll take him to the F2 and he hasn't won many comps. Thats why Frankie is so dangerous ...Hes won tons of comps - prob more than anyone else - and he has escaped eviction repeatedly. he can talk about winning that comp that Caleb foolishly sat out (instead of sabotaging which would have led to his eviction) and how he turned everyone around when they hated him. Someone like Zach would def vote for Frankie. (Im still not over the fact that his casting was so unfair in terms of America's team and the other HG will have a right to get mad). IF it were Derrick vs Frankie in the F2, Derrick would have to work really hard to convince the HG that he was pulling the strings and the way BB finale works, they don't get much time as the questions are pretty scripted..and I feel most of the jury members already have made up their mind before the live show. I kinda wish Victoria would win HOH but I wonder who she would put (probably whoever Derrick told her so it would be Frankie & Caleb)...>Christine was just dumb. I don't understand why girls never stick together...and theres a long history of one girl in an all guy alliance being the first one to go.
I don't know how CB S will do Wednesdays live show (its not Thursday anymore due to football which Id think the HG might figure out given the countdown clock) but they really should do it for maximum impact. I know they won't do this but I would love for them to go with the actual vote - have everyone go into the diary room and then have Julie says what she always says about the HG having a minute to say goodbye and exit the house...and then as everyones waiting, she asks Frankie about why he pushed the button and then tell him well pushing that button just rewound the whole game so your HOH doesnt count and we're starting from scratch.
Did anyone pick up what Derrick said about the fact that he has a photograpic memory? Which should really come in handy in comps... at least the ones he's actually trying to win
Haha I remember Kathy Griffin saying the house was smelly when she on Letterman too. Must be some stank asses in there (cough cough Crawl Mode Cowboy)!
They will all probably collectively say its not fair and throw the comp to him so all stays the same lol
I'm not positive on the exact timing of when things will occur. However things will proceed as normal during a live eviction but at around 8:35pm ET the countdown clock will run out and everything will stop. Not sure where that'll be in the eviction process whether before the vote or after. But at that point they will rewind and either crown a new HOH or start the process of crowning a new HOH if it's an endurance comp. Regardless though no one will be evicted this week as with clock running out over halfway through the show there is definitely not enough time to run through an entire week to eviction.
Did anyone else notice that on Thur nights BBAD (I'm pretty sure it was Thur) that they were showing segments about the BB guys, and the one where Frankie was talking about himself he said that he is 28. Most of us know that he is actually 31 making him the second oldest of the season after Donny of course. Yet everyone thinks Derrik is the oldest one left. Not that it really matters, I just find it interesting that Frankie thinks he can lie about it, get away with it and that none of us would ever find out. Silly boy...oops I guess at 31I should say man :-)
Hahaha. ..I can totally see them doing that!!! It's what the house wants lol
OMG Christi! I think you are on to something there, lol. I can totally see that happening! lol I remember Amber saying that Caleb is greasy and stinks. I have to say, I don't see alot of showering going on with the guys, except for Frankie. With no windows or anything.... it must be pretty bad in there! Given the exit interviews so far, I think Derrick is going to have a hard time convincing the houseguests that he was calling all the shots. His only saving grace may be Nicole.
@ Christi:
Wouldn't that be just like them? In all fairness, they did decide to push the button even though they knew it could penalize them. I don't see how they could think that it isn't fair then. The only one it won't seem fair to now is Frankie and he was all for pushing the button, knowing someone could be punished. I can't wait to see him go ballistic when his HOH week is for naught.
Derrick's other saving grace is that it's very possible he could win due to people voting for him for the wrong reasons such as they like him or he's got a wife and daughter or they're bitter against the person he's in F2 with. But as long as he wins like he deserves that's fine. They can find out after why they were really right in voting for him LOL
Did anyone catch this... The last challenge with the seeds and shovels. Frankie's balls were all much smaller
than Caleb's. Look back it is true. Frankie had 4 large seeds and all the rest were medium or tiny. Caleb had 6 or more large ones. Not so fair right. I wonder if they choose their own spot or BB designates their spot. Know what I am saying? Of course much smaller balls stay on way better tan trying to hold larger ones.
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