Frankie put on the act by screaming at the top of his lungs and swearing, as Derrick ran away appearing fearful of the invisible mouse.
Frankie: "DID YOU SEE THAT!?? Oh my God! Was that a rat? Or a f**king mouse?! I'm f**king serious!"
Derrick: "I'm serious, I saw it!"
And so it began.
Caleb was instantly on the case.
Frankie continued his act.
Derrick & Frankie made up the description of the rat as they went along. Derrick said it's tail was long, as Frankie added that it was a chubby little fella.
3:46am BBT:
Caleb is still on the hunt to capture and kill the rat, as Cody is squatting on a chair watching him.
This went on until after 6am BBT this morning.
In order to keep Victoria up (who was falling asleep on the backyard couch)...
...Derrick told her to talk to him on the hammock at 4:43am BBT.
Derrick talked about how he hopes them pushing the golden button won't be a game changer & hope it won't send him packing to jury. Victoria asked if he thinks Frankie would take him to Final 2. Derrick's not sure. Vic said that Caleb would take Cody, per what Nicole told her. Victoria mentions how Derrick is playing the best game in the house, how he gets what he wants 90% of the time, he's never been on the block, etc. Derrick is afraid that if he doesn't win HOH/Veto comps, he'll be leaving soon. Victoria mentions that she thinks she's going home this week. Derrick tells her that she's played a great game and offered a vote for Victoria on Wednesday. She declines. She's okay with going this week.
Moving on...
This morning (11:20am BBT) pre-Veto Ceremony, Derrick/Caleb talked alone.
Caleb said that if he wins HOH, he's taking Frankie out. He said it's gonna hurt, but he's gotta do it. Derrick jokes that if he doesn't, his (Caleb's) brother is gonna slap him and it'll hurt worse. Caleb laughs.
Derrick: "If (Frankie) goes to the Final 2, ain't nobody beating him."
Caleb: "Yea."
Derrick said that he respects Frankie's game and that he's done well.
Cody goes out & joins them. They fill him on what they just talked about regarding getting Frankie out next.
Cody: "If (Frankie) makes it to the Final 2, it's a wrap."
Caleb: "Mm hmm."
At 12:02pm BBT, the live feedsters got a treat! They were able to watch the Veto Ceremony live, which never has happens.
Frankie did not use the veto. Cody/Victoria are still nominated.
By 1:03pm BBT, Victoria was looking sad. She said it "just hit her" that shes' leaving this week.
Derrick hugged her.
Up in the HOH bathroom (1:46pm BBT), Frankie/Derrick talked.
Frankie: "If I'm on the block next to Caleb, and Cody is the deciding vote, I have no idea what he'd do."
Derrick: "He'd pick you. He'll think you're easier to beat than Caleb."
Derrick: "I don't think anybody can beat Caleb in the end." (*And there it is, folks. Under the bus, Caleb goes. lol)
Frankie: "I agree."
Derrick then made his game sound more crappy than what it is, by saying he doesn't think he has a lot of jury votes and mentions that he doesn't think he has Nicole/Zach/Hayden. He's also scared that Nicole/Hayden will vote together. Derrick is unsure of Donny's vote.
As of 3:47pm BBT, all feeds are on Frankie doing laundry and Victoria walking around in the kitchen. If anything happens tonight, I'll be back with a new post. If not, I'll be back tomorrow with a new post. Tomorrow is the deadline for the "Dog or bunny" vote, so I'm wondering if they will get an animal tomorrow or Tuesday. We'll see.
Have a great Sunday Funday y'all!! :D
Stay tuned...
Can't believe we are subject to another TA mission because Frankie wanted it. These missions as well TA should've stopped after Donny got evicted.
Derrick to Victoria this afternoon: Don't think you're leaving yet. These people don't know. I watch this show more than any of them combined. That button won't be something good. You could go from going home to being in power. Promise me you won't give up. Trust me.
Hey Jaime- Did you decide if you were going to watch and/or blog about Utopia? I'm trying to decide if I want to watch it.
I'm not sure yet, but I don't think I will be. I need a couple months off lol looks like a good show though and I will watch it :)
Team America gets stupider and stupider. You really think having Frankie shriek & keeping the hg awake a few hours later is entertainment? The hg better hope Frankie doesnt win hoh & veto
Maybe you got to watch the veto meeting because it doesn't really matter this week?
I'm not sure who thought this reset button needed to happen. Unless one of these guys use it to get Frankie out this week then it'll be success. This season hasnt been that exciting to warrant this happening. They should've used this to help Donny or Nicole.
What anybody else watch a show called "Caleb on the Case"? I totally would! The title sets up the premise: Some fake mystery, then caleb has to solve it using a combination of Army, judo, and ninja moves. Comedy gold!
I thought it was pretty funny. It wouldn't be right to have them do something that risks their game so that pretty much leaves silly amusement by default. I'm glad Derrick's getting the money.
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