I know a lot of you are about done with this season (some already are) and some of you have said you'll only check out the blog from now on and not watch the show. So before I lose all of y'all in the next few weeks when the show is over, I want to thank every person who has donated & those of you who have bought the live feeds through me this season. It's only because of you guys that I am able to be here!! Without your support, I couldn't be here and wouldn't be able to come back next year without it. So to those who have supported the blog this season, a huge thank you!!!!!!! :)
Moving on..
Tomorrow's the Double Eviction and that's when sh* will hit the fan. Basically...
Derrick/Caleb/Frankie are gunning for Christine
Cody/Christine are gunning after Frankie.
Derrick's been busy making sure his precious Final 3 gal is safe in the process by telling people not to 'waste an HOH' on her. So most likely, we will see Frankie or Christine get booted tomorrow (depending on veto, of course) and we will then have our Final 5. (By the way, Frankie is catching on about how much Derrick wants Victoria to stay in the house and warned Caleb last night to not throw the Final 5 comp to Derrick because he could take Victoria over one of the boys.)
Sidenote: Derrick told Christine last night, when asked, that he'd put Victoria up on the block if he won HOH. Christine asked him if he'd vote her out, he said it's not up to him who goes, he'll just put her up. Little does Christine know, he'd put Victoria VS Christine with the hopes of Christine getting voted out.
Frankie has been freaking out about getting up & out tomorrow. He's been going around making sure he's okay with everybody, having "omg this alliance is gonna get us to the Final f**cking four!" talks, etc.
At 11:18pm BBT, "Team America" had a talk about if their missions are done for the season.
Derrick thinks it's done for sure, while Frankie thinks they're just "taking the week off". *face palm*
At 3:02am BBT, Derrick asked Frankie why he's so nervous lately.
Frankie said it's paranoia and he feels that Christine/Cody are really close and thinks that's why Christine is backing off from him. (Christine hates Frankie with a passion and wants him gone this week.) Frankie said he's not nervous about Derrick coming after him because they have a bond together (Team America, grandfathers both passing this season, the alliance) but he's worried about others gunning for him this week.
At 3:51am BBT, Derrick talked to us live feedsters. He hopes he's making other former houseguests that are parents, proud.
Derrick: "How am I gonna get to the end of this game...keep playin' up the image..the weak player persona..it's possible. Definitely possible."
Derrick sees Victoria about to go outside to join him.
Derrick: "Oh God." (*lol)
**And that's it for The Overnighter! I fully expect to see Frankie or Christine get evicted tomorrow night and if Derrick survives the D.E., I can easily see him winning this season. (I told Derrick's wife week 4 or 5 that he was gonna win this season.) I might be back with an afternoon post, depending on if anything happens worth mentioning. :)
Stay tuned...
So let's say Christine wins hoh and Frankie wins veto or the other way around. Who would leave then? Victoria?
Most likely.
I honestly have enjoyed BB16. Maybe last season set the bar really, really, low for me? Anyway, just stating my position against the majority view and twitter distain for this season.
it's nice to see a few still hanging on to this season. I really like Derrick's gameplay, though it's been boring to watch..its impressive though! And even though I don't like all the members of the original Bomb Squad, it is amazing that a lot of the members have remained in the house. So I give them kudos for that. Could have done without a few other HG's though this season.
Derrick deserves to win! He's played a great game!
I also like this season. I don't have the feeds but I still watch every episode, most of after dark, and I can't wait for each blog update.
I think the double HOH twist was the biggest problem in allowing one side to completely dominate. I love that they tried something new, but it didn't work out to make things more interesting.
The worse thing that could happen is if Derrick leaves during the double eviction...i know i might sound a little crazy but if he leaves im 100% rooting for Victoria to win..nobody in the house deserves to win as much as Derrick. Also i feel that they should bring back Derrick(if he doesnt win), Nicole, Zach, and Brittany for a real season of big brother...they were the only people that werent afraid to make big game moves & the only people i truly enjoyed.
"Christine hates Frankie with a passion"
Giggle-Creep hates everything. I really hope she goes away if she's not HOH, and Cockatoo wins POV.
I don't see Derrick leaving this week in any situation. He seems to be sitting well with all of them.
@ Jamie
The thing with Frankie "catching on" to Derrick wanting to keep Victoria is that I believe it's for the wrong reason as Frankie said Derrick wants to keep Victoria because she's the only 1 he can beat in the F2. I honestly think him wanting to keep Victoria over Christine is more about getting rid of Christine as she's the only 1 left in the house he doesn't think would take him to F2. And with her gone he doesn't feel there'd be anyone left in the house that would want to get rid of him in any scenario.
I also think Derrick really would like Victoria gone before F3 as then he'd be banking on winning that final HOH or else it might be too tempting for that 3rd person to take Victoria over him if they won. However he'd obviously want it to come by someone else's hands as to not burn that bridge. I believe Derrick feels with Christine and Victoria gone he's almost assured to be sitting in F2 no matter who wins anything from there on out as the 3 other guys would all keep him over anyone else and ultimately want to sit next to him in F2 as they think they would beat him easily.
This is where his weak player persona has worked brilliantly. As evidenced by a comment Frankie made to Cody at the end of their discussion in the storage room last night about what happened with Caleb and the whole backdooring Frankie this week stuff which you didn't cover. After covering that stuff Frankie asked Cody why on earth Derrick is so nervous when absolutely no one is targeting him. And this is the part that had me on the floor laughing. Frankie said Derrick is basically the male Victoria. He has all these guys so clueless that they're all going to be fighting tooth and nail for the right to get to the end with Derrick and hopefully get smoked. I think they honestly think Derrick is actually a safer play to sit against in the F2 than Victoria as there might be too much lack of respect and/or backlash from backstabbing too many people if they took her. While Derrick is in the core alliance so you wouldn't be backstabbing any of the others going with him and he hasn't won that many comps which they are all way too concerned about. Which Derrick has done a great job repeatedly drilling into each 1 of them individually how important and impressive the others comp wins are.
I thankfully don't see any way Derrick goes in the DE. If he's up there with Frankie or Christine he obviously stays. If he's up there with Caleb he'd have Cody's and Victoria's votes. If he's up there with Victoria he'd have Cody's and Caleb's votes. Only scenario it's even slightly in question would be Frankie HOH and Derrick/Cody up where he'd def have Victoria and I'm pretty sure he'd have Caleb but I'm not as 100% sure as the other scenarios.
I agree on your All Star picks except for Brittany. She didn't do too much for me from a gameplay perspective at least LOL. I'd replace her from this cast with Donny. Also I'd bring Derrick back whether he wins or loses.
You know I keep thinking it's so sad that Victoria is still there but then when I looked at the people left, I thought - well Derrick runs the show and none of them have made a big move either - they just won competitions.
Oh, I continue to watch the to chat with you guys and laugh!
Derrick is an amazing BB player. Everything he says and does to each houseguest is so well thought out by him. It's boring but so impressive.
You are absolutely right. With 4 nominated every week it made them way too cautious, and they ultimately fell into gang mentality.
Couldnt agree more. I feel like Derrick was perfect for this season. With such a large ego (Frankie and Caleb) and a somewhat villain (Zack), he was able to stay relatively hidden as a puppet master. And by playing Frankies iinsecurities against him, he could get him to do whatever he wants, and even make him think it was his own idea! In other seasons, this strategy would not have worked. But this cop definitely handled the cast!
It may just be me but I honestly feel like Derrick has zero chance at winning. Unless he's next to Vic, Frankie or Christine. Obviously to us he's the best player but they don't see what we see. He can go up there and make a speech about how he's manipulated everyone and controlled the house since day one and they are gonna think he's full of crap. The cast this year is mostly recruited, incredibly juvenile and very self absorbed. Christine thinks she's dan for Pete's sake. None of them are going to believe or accept that at any point Derrick was controlling them. They will see his few comp wins and call him a floater. This will especially ring true for caleb as he sees himself as King of the castle. In his mind he is making all the decisions and calling all the shots. We're looking at a dan and Ian situation here and it will be a miracle if Derrick wins IMO.
Jamie, have you heard anything from CBS about the fans being a little "bored" with this season? Just wondering and so hoping this does not effect have a season 17? It would be a shame that this season would ruin the show for CBS? I so miss the days when I could not wait to get up and turn on the feeds or when I could not sleep I always had BBAD and the live feeds and your BLOG! Please let us know your thoughts or if you hear anything, your biggest fan, Drea
If Derrick is in final 2 I'm just hoping those in the jury who saw though him (Donny mostly) will have convinced the others of his gameplay. Derrick has also really tried to work the jury votes before someone is eliminated where all the others have just pissed people off as they leave. Like they don't realize those people they were so hateful to are the ones who will be choosing the winner. I mean...that was part of Dan's problem in season 14...he had a very bitter jury. So...I don't know if his chances of winning are that bad. It may not be as obvious to the jury as it is the viewers but I still think he stands a good chance.
@ GiGi,
I agree with you 100%, I truly believe the only vote Derrick would get is Nicole,he has pumped the others up all along. No one will believe he was the puppet master. I think he is going to regret being the male version of victoria
I disagree about Derrick not being able to win vs Caleb or Cody. There are some huge differences between Dan and Derrick. First of all Derrick hasn't played and won before which was a big factor in some not wanting to give him the money again. Also Derrick has done a masterful job in handling the Jury. Unlike with Dan he doesn't really have too many if any bitter Jury members against him. Also Ian was 1 of the most loved HGs in BB history and there was no one on that Jury not dying to give that kid the money over anyone. Cody and Caleb are nowhere near as liked.
They may not all vote for Derrick for the right reasons but I definitely think he should have enough votes to win. They may vote for him because they like him better and because he has a wife and baby to support and they could find out later how they got it right but for the wrong reason.
He'd of course have Victoria's vote. Zach said before he left he would vote for Derrick over anyone left in the house. Nicole has now said the same thing. Donny was the only 1 who seemed to recognize the game Derrick was playing and how well he was doing it so I think he'd have his vote. They are also both big fans of the show so they know it's not all about comp wins. They'll also have considerable sway with Hayden and Jocasta. Derrick would also have Cody's vote if he's against Caleb. Although he probably wouldn't have Caleb's against Cody. But either way I think he could have more than enough to win.
I agree, I think Derrick should have told Donny and Nicole a little more so they can clue in the rest of the jury - they are going or gone so give a little more detail so jury's light bulb has time to go on without damaging his game too much in the house
I'm rewatching seasons 8 (Dick Donato) and 10 (Dan) with my wife, who never saw those seasons, and she's amazed at how exciting and fun the show used to be :)
I'm also concerned that Derrick might have a hard time convincing the jury how big of a hand he's had in every move all season. Does anyone know how he could make them believe him? To everyone he's just a likeable floater! :/
my mom wants next years season to be all of the winners *evil laugh* that would be good :D
Very good read on Derrick's gameplay:
I don't see why anybody would turnoff bb now. This is the most exciting time. These fruit loop dinguses are now going to turn on each other and maybe will start playing the game. If some of you guys are right Derrick might actual be in danger or Derrick the puppet master might have pulled all the right strings to win this game.
Gigi and others - I never thought about that with Derrick - they don't know what we know - he might be seen as weak. Donny knows it though
Brian - working and on hold and read that article LOL. I think it's true - he lies to us the viewers and I think that's why people don't like him as much. You usually don't see him up at the top of the polls as choice to win.
i've enjoyed this season, it's just tough when one group dominates so completely. i was always a fan of derrick, donny, and nicole individually, so I'm glad derrick is still in it. he's set himself up well, and it'll be wonderful to see frankie, caleb, and christine walk out the door if all goes as planned.
Thank you for your reporting this season. I just found you and it's been great to read your updates. At this point I think it's Derricks but depends on what happens on the DBL Eviction.
Thanks brian for the Web site on Derrick! It said everything I've been trying to explain to friends and family about his game on bb16! I have watched bb since season 1! Derrick is the best player since Dan without a doubt! Go Derrick Go! Hope to see Frankie and Christine go asap! Sad to see Nicole go as well as Donny but it is a game and they were played by the best!!!!
I think Victoria may have hurt her hand playing badminton.
I agree that it's been a boring season, but, I do still watch every show and if I'm in my sewing room, I do have my laptop running with the live feeds from the night before. I honestly don't know how you do it, Jamie. It is one thing to pay half-a** attention to it and another to have to listen closely enough to transcribe it for us to read. Huge kudos to you. You deserve every penny you get from donations. I will be doingyet another donation at the end of the season.
I sure wish people didn't have to have a unanimous every week and that we could have at least a little suspense. I keep hoping and now that it's getting to the end, even if I don't want any of the rest of the HG's to win over Derrick, it'll be fun watching some of them get evicted. I really hope that Vic goes after Christine so Christine doesn't get her wish and she's the last female in the house.
@ Brian:
I agree completely with you that
Derrick doesn't want to keep Victoria to the end because the others would want to take her to the end as an easy win. If he keeps her clueless to his part in it when she finally does go, he will for sure have her vote in the jury.
Cody, Caleb, and Frankie all have such an enormous ego that they think they can beat Derrick in F2. I do think Cody and Caleb want to go to F3 with Derrick so will hope to get Christine and Frankie out, hopefully before Victoria is out before it's too late.
Derrick has done such a good job of convincing all the jury members that he "tried to save them" so they will all be impressed with his game play for having fooled them all. Donny and Hayden both realize that Derrick is the puppetmaster, but I don't think Nicole still believes it 100%. As in the past, when the jury members discuss who has played the best game, I think they will all come around and see that Derrick has played the best.
Given Derrick's gift for gab, he will come up with a great speech and explain how he has done so much and how he let Frankie win the HOH comp when his grandfather passed away. They all looked to Derrick for advice and/or confirmation of their thoughts. For that reason alone, when Derrick gives his speech, they will think about it.
Now, if it was dependent on the swollen-ego-headed Caleb, he might not see it. If he's F2 with Cody, he would probably have Caleb and Christine's votes.
If he's F2 with Caleb, I think he might then have Christine's vote.
If he's F2 with Frankie or Christine, not to worry.
I thought so as well. But when the evicted houseguests, along with the ONLY TWO people who were able to catch on to him, (Donny / Nicole) start talking to them they will see. Even if they don't these houseguests are proven sheep and will likely follow the majority
@mama sears from your lips to BB gods ear!!!
thank you Brian
Like Nicole told him in last nights episode - he's the closest she's seen to Dan, he's carefully thought out and controlled every move. Nicole, Donny, Hayden (Jocasta by association) - all know that. As each HG is evicted - they'll figure it out in Jury. I genuinely think Nicole will campaign for him in jury hardcore.
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