Speaking of Christine, she had a bit of a wakeup call yesterday it seems.
4:53pm BBT:
Beehive Room
Christine: "Uhh I hate them. I've done so much crap for the Detonators and the stupid Bomb Squad...and every time I get put up on the block..I'm playing for myself and if I don't want Victoria going home next week, then she's not going home."
At 5:34pm BBT while Christine is off-cam in the Storage Room getting mushrooms, her audio bleeds through Derrick/Cody in the kitchen. She's asking herself if she's "being stupid" and "getting played".
5:30pm BBT:
Have Nots Room
Nicole spent more time crying about having everyone against her and how she has to win Veto. She's also mad about being on slop for the 2nd week in a row. Victoria enters and they had a long talk. Nicole thinks that Christine is a pawn and that she (N) is the target this week. Nicole said that Caleb's speech at the Nomination Ceremony was "weird". Nicole says she can't stand Frankie.
Nicole: "(Caleb's) HOH is a waste. He's doing what Frankie wants. In real Big Brother, people get together and make big moves. This is not big moves."
Victoria: "There's no drama. There's no..nothing. It's pathetic."
This convo is long, but so is the rest of the night. I must press on.
6:52pm BBT:
Derrick tells Christine that if he wins veto, he'll use it on her.
9:24pm BBT:
HOH Room
Christine said that ever since Nicole/Victoria had a long talk in the Have Nots room earlier, neither of them have looked at her or talked to..which she is "grateful for".
Christine: "They won't look at me. Aint' that weird?"
Caleb: "Hmm."
9:54pm BBT:
Have Nots Room
Derrick is talking us live feedsters. He says he misses his family a lot, he's in 'a good position to make a move', the game is crazy, he wants us to let his wife know how much he misses her, being a have not "f**king sucks", he liked Donny as much as we did, he tried to save him but it would've drew a line in the sand with his game and he couldn't do it.
10:03pm BBT:
Cody brings out a basket full of beer, wine, playdoh and face/body paint.
10:25pm BBT:
HOH Room
Caleb/Derrick are talking about him/Cody/Derrick sticking together to the end. He said Frankie has wronged him (Caleb) but Derrick never has.
Caleb: "If it's me, you and Frankie..I think Frankie would go."
Derrick: "Of course I'd pick you."
Caleb: "I think Cody would, too."
10:57pm BBT:
Body painting in the dining room.
Cody is painting a beard on Christine..
Meanwhile up in the HOH room, Caleb is saying how he doesn't care who would go between Victoria/Christine if Nicole won veto. A few minutes later, Caleb mentions (for the millionth time) that he could be America's Fav this season.
12:12am BBT:
More body painting.
**I'm gonna stop the Overnighter here. No game talk was had after this point. They talked about TV shows, Frankie wants to famous like his sister, Cody farted, speculation of what the veto comp will be, etc etc. Nothing earth shattering. Today is the Veto Comp, where Nicole's game is on the line. As of 10:23am BBT, only Christine is up on the cams.
Stay tuned...

I really hope Nicole wins POV and by some miracle Caleb puts Frankie up. I can't stand listening to him on the feeds. Every time he is on camera(which is all the time) I switch to a different camera. I would rather listen to Christine chomping away at food then him!
I am taking back my statement, I am going to watch the rest of BB bc I want to see who gets played and evicted, sort of a get even tactic..........
Watch Donnie's interview with Jeff, such nice guys, both of them
Thanks Jamie! Just love your blog. I just wish FRANKIE GRAN DAA would please leave! Houseguests, would someone grow some 'lemons' and get rid of his ass??
Out of the people left, figuring Nicole will go to jury, I think I want Caleb to win. Thursday is double eviction right?
This group is so delusional they think America likes them because they're Still in the house. No Caleb you and your Merry band if dimwits are not America Favorite.
If this show would allow the audiences to evict. A lot of these guys would've been going along time ago.
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