The Renom is:
So now Victoria/Nicole are up on the block, with Nicole still being this weeks target. Caleb even mentioned in his speech that Nicole is the target. After the feeds came back on, Nicole apologized to America for a boring season with no moves and for it being so predictable. Meanwhile, Caleb thinks he made a big move by putting up Victoria and him/Frankie have compared themselves to Chill-Town (Dr. Will & Mike Boogie). *head desk* I can't make this stuff up, guys.
Derrick told Nicole he tried to save her this week and she thanked him for trying. Nicole also gave advice to Victoria for the rest of the game. She told Victoria to go after Cody/Christine, not Frankie because he's not gunning for her. Nicole said that Caleb wasted his HOH because she wasn't even going after him and he could have used her in the game.
Nicole said she plans to call Caleb out on Thursday for being a wimp and wasting his HOH on her. (*I actually believe she will, unlike Cody who always threatens to call people out and never does.)
I'll be back tomorrow a new post. I'm still pretty sick. I have that viral thing going around, started off as a cold then spiraled into a bronchitis overnight. I've been trying to keep the fever at bay, which is what's making me feel like total crap but it keeps coming back. So, back to bed I go.
Make sure to follow me on Twitter & the blogs Facebook group. I'm able to update from my cell easily on those here & there. See y'all tomorrow!
Stay tuned...

BOOOO!!! Boo to you still not feeling well, and BOO to the boys for playing it safe yet again (although, not sure how safe it is keeping Frankie in the house). The most ridiculous thing is how entertaining and nail-biting they truly believe they are being for us, and how they think this is the best season ever. NOT. EVEN. CLOSE.
they have no idea how hated this season is lol they're gonna be in for a rude awakening for sure.
Chill town my behind! They ain't even in brigades league! This season Dan would've strolled to final 2. Anybody agree?
Caleb is a pussy. He's more invested in notoriety and cementing some kind of legacy for himself and the alliance than making big moves to actually win the game. He's a real big talker but as we've seen, in the end it's all just talk.
Predictable, only Nicole realizes how boring it is!
I miss Zach (he was entertaining at least).
@ Ryan Baxter
I certainly agree! I would wager that Elyssa could've outsmarted and outplayed these guys! And I couldn't stand her! I feel terrible for Nicole... she doesn't deserve the "mean girl" treatment she's been getting from Frankie. Just looking at him makes me sick.
Feel better! I'm so hooked on Utopia now- last 2 years of bb have been lame.
@Marie Ann
Doesn't it though?
I can't stand to hear Frankie's annoying voice anymore
(like nails on a chalkboard) let alone have to look at him!
He is sooooo grotesque
(and before ANYONE says anything this has NOTHING to do with him being gay) & his attitude of entitlement & his personality makes him even uglier!!!
Anyone that thinks the way Frankie has been acting & treating people is ok, they clearly need their head examined because being mean, nasty, & just out right cruel to people is NOT OK!!!
Go home Frankie, you're a disgrace to the BB game!!!
Can't wait till your eviction & to see you get boo'd on your way out of the house!!!!
You pompous assclown!!!
Hope you feel better soon Jamie. :)
It was pretty amazing that after POV ceremony Derrick had Frankie thanking him for talking Caleb down from backdooring him. Then almost immediately following that Derrick had Nicole thanking him for trying hard to get someone else backdoored against her. I'll be really crushed if Derrick doesn't win this season.
Omg F this season!!!! What a total waste!!!!!!!! At least thurs is a double eviction and I'm hoping loser Frankie will follow!!!!!!!!! I can't stand his nasty ugly self. He is ugly inside and out!!! He is a disgrace to all gay ppl.
I keep hearing ppl talk about this show Utopia, is it a series and if so what channel is it on? What is the reason Derrik doesn't want to evict Frankie? I
use to really like Frankie. I thought he was funny, talented, smart, high energy, very entertaining, and even
kind and friendly with everyone and someone who was playing a good social, mental and physical game. But I was especially impressed with how comfortable he made all the guys feel around him even with all of his affectionate ways of hugging, kissing, stroking, cuddling and laying on and sleeping with them. I thought th as t was remarkble. But appears the REAL Frankie showed up! :-( The mean spirited, rude, selfish, self-centered ego-maniac!!!! What a shame.
Worst season EVER! I quit watching BBAD and only DVR the tv episodes now so I can fast forward to the end. BORING! SNORE FEST!!! I'm a huge fan and this season has sucked donkey butt!
This season has been great. I don't get why people hate when good players dominate a season. It's better than when you have a total crap shoot of shitty players because of producer manipulation. (BB15 where the last 6 players were easily 6 of the worst players in the house)
I am so mad and disappointed. I know it's only a game/tv show, but why do they never follow through with their plans? Did Derrick want to keep Nicole and backdoor Frankie or was he just going along and it was Caleb and Cody that chickened out? Let's hope Frankie or Christine go next. This is the only season I can remember they are more interested in their "fame" lol, acquired by being on this show! I think they are delusional, hehe. I still hope Derrick gets to the end and wins.
Feel better Jamie....I hate it when I'm sick so I feel your pair girl! 😔
I totally agree BB Bopper!!! I have been saying that for a couple weeks now. I cannot believe that these guys think they are all that.. Ugh. How about cbs turn the cameras on the jury house for the rest of the season??
And thank you so much for doing all this!
@BB Bopper
It is on Fox. In a nutshell Utopia is a show about building a perfect society. So they cast people to go out in nature and build a perfect society.
Hope you feel better soon Jamie! And thank your for still keeping us up to date on the most boring and predictable season ever. Only good thing is that they will have to start turning on each other next week, since this week is a double eviction I can see Victoria going after Nicole. Zzzz. BORING!
I really hope you get to feeling better Jamie. As far as the game is concerned I am not going to hate on Caleb for being loyal to his conrads because
as people have seen from Caleb this season is that the military and staying
loyal is something thats important to
him, and me being in the military
myself I understand. As for the rest of them I think some of them are definitly being cruel and I hope that those personalities we are seeing are not apart of their everyday life. But with all that being said these people are final 8 so they all have done something right so far.
Has Utopia already started? What day and time is it on? I wanna check it out
For me, a good season is full of twist and unexpected evictions. When you have a house that does not always vote together and when the votes come in you aren't sure before hand which one is really going home. When people in the house will make big moves and aren't worried about making a group decision. I don't feel like there are a bunch of good players in the house, there is only 1 or 2 good players with the rest just doing as they are told. Donny may not have talked game but at least he created suspense by taking himself off the block over and over and over which even became boring because of the repetition. Last season was equally boring with a cast of really unlikable people. But I am disappointed with this season and hope that next season gets better or there isn't any point in this show anymore.
I don't agree that this is the most boring season ever. It has had its highlights and bright spots. We have one, but sadly only one imo, excellent playe, Derrick. Sometimes we don't even have that. Every move he makes is calculated and he is able to make most of his moves by makng other people thinking it was their idea. I love watching him work. But I have a hard time understanding how relatively intelligent ppl don't see it, but actually believe they are the ones making all the moves and decisions and truly believe they are great game players (Cody/Celeb). How can they be that clueless, is it because they're to busy blowing their own horns to see anything going on around them? I think it makes them seem not only naive but dumb.
I agree with you
Why did the backdoor Frankie fall apart.. They won't do it for double evict either. Leave it to Derrick though to secure yet another jury vote. Maybe our only hope is Christine winning his and going after frank in a double evict... It likely will be a long endurance after & Frankie will have the edge again
The only one who thinks hating Frankie has anything to do with being gay is Frankie
Sadly I agree with you. I've followed Frankie on social media for a good year and I've always been a big fan. I'm very disgusted with his attitude. Hopefully he gets evicted soon.
@BB Bopper
The feeds have started but the tv show premieres this Sun from 8-10pm.
I think it would be hilarious, if what nicole said was true about victoria... that she may be playing a different kind of game! Victoria wins the next HOH and the HG freak out! NOW that would be a great game!
Brian - I agree with Derrick winning. If he doesn't I will be crushed also.
Hahaha! Your comment could have very easily come out of my brain, right down to the sucking donkey butt!
Thx DirkDouglas & Brian for the info on Utopia
@ Alea Marie
I think I literally spoke those very words you said in your post.. PERFECTLY said, girl!! I have resorted to fast forwarding through BBAD footage of Frankie talking, walking, standing, sitting, doing anything really... I can't stomach the sight of him anymore! AT. ALL. It was absolutely disgusting watching him act as though he was above being a have not. It won't be too soon when these conforming "players" boot his nauseating butt out the door. I'm not sure I can take it if he skeezes his way to the end.
That's it I'm rooting for victoria!
If Nicole calls ANYONE out on Thursday, I'll eat my hat.
Nicole will say "I love you all, thanks for this wonderful opportunity and great summer, you are all great people..."
Nicole and Cody are very similar when it comes to talking tough "I'm feisty..." "Game on..."
Nicole, who is utterly lost and still has no idea about specific alliances in the house, trying to 'coach' Victoria gave me heartburn. Talk about the blind leading the blind.
Now that Nic might/will go, I'm rooting for Victoria. As long as Frankie/Caleb don't win, I think (hope) that I'll be OK.
I do think Derrick has the best game strategy. he's played everyone in that house, especially those left because they are jury members and he wants their votes. But he is also playing America. He knows exactly what to say in DR to try and rack up those votes for fan fav. That being said. ..Even though I feel that he is playing a great social game, I don't think he is making big moves to keep this show entertaining enough for America. Everything he does is "undercover" like his job outside the house. I guess it looks like it will work for 500k but it doesn't work for fan fav which I think is a bigger personal reward :)
Caleb confessed to Frankie! OMG! Absolutely pathetic. And ITA this cast is obsessed with being famous and "working" it for the camera. I have a thought or question though... Is Derrick a good player or is he the only one truly playing the game? I don't think he would get as far in some of the past seasons (excluding last year). These players are all about turning on one person at a time. They all are essentially turning on one person week to week. They love you one week and they demonize you the next. I think Derrick is working with a bunch of followers. In fact, if you think for yourself, you're a shit stirrer.... your done. SMH
Derrick is not in that house to make good tv. He's in there to win the game & $500K. And if he does win or even gets to F2 he's not eligible to win America's Favorite Player anyway.
Jamie get well soon, this season should be call Gutless see gutless do, Derrick has total control of the house he changes everybody's mind for them, Cody Christine just playing for second, Victoria will leave after Nicole, on Thursday.
Christina - I have said the same thing a few times - Derrick is a good player with this bunch of goofs. It wouldn't have been this easy with some star players of the past.
And here we go with Victoria again - it's just all been so predictable and lame.
oh, and jamie I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. I had a really rough weekend with my pooch and the emergency vet - will explain at a later time.
@Christina I hear what you're saying. I think Derrick is still a really good player and he would be able to adjust his strategy and at least compete with some of the better players of all time. I would definitely like to see him on an all-star season just to test that hypothesis.
As for everyone else, wow, they just keep getting more and more delusional. Frankie and Caleb would've been gone week 1 & 2 if Chilltown was in this house. I'm sure Christine considers herself the second coming of Janelle too.
What a bunch of yard-birds!
Hope u are feeling well Jamie.
@ Christine u r absolutely correct. Derrick is lucky that he playing with a bunch of follower. Not a thinker among them (except for Derrick and Donny and Nicole)
I know if Nicole had won HoH she would made some big move and not waste her HoH like she had before. Last time she ending up listening to Derrick on her nominations.
Frankie is just disgusting as a gay male he is an embrassment. There no need to be rude to women and so touchy feel on guys to the point of sexual harassment. Like someone said can't wait till this assclown gets the boot.
AMEN! :)
he is trying to look good on tv...he is obviously there for 500k and he's smart enough to know that there's is a little teeny tiny chance he won't win that or the 50k so he has to play every angle and that's for fan fav. Out of anybody there, frankie included, he plays his game up in dr for America
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